
Friday, August 18, 2017

NBC Says Both Sides Showed Up Looking For a Fight

White-supremacists are idiots.  Please remember that not only are they against blacks, browns, reds, yellows, but they are also very antisemitic.   They hate Jews!

So for those of us who live Israel and love the Jewish people because the Bible tells us so....please shout down the Nazis, SkinHeads, KKK and White Supremacists every chance you get.

Leftists are also not very bright.  They seem to be ruled by their feelings and are prone to mob mentality when a whole bunch of them with HURT FEELINGS get together.

So, of course, when you get one group of idiots on one side of the street with the opposite group of idiots on the other side, the MEDIA got exactly what they were looking for!!  A huge fight with lots of violence and news clips for the 10 PM news.  And make no mistake about it, BOTH SIDES came to Charlottesville looking for a fight.

NBC proved in just 13 seconds that President Donald Trump was right to say that “both sides” of the protests in Charlottesville, VA were responsible for the violence.

During their Wednesday morning reporting, NBC replayed a clip of Trump assigning some blame to the “alt-left” during his Tuesday evening presser about infrastructure and the Charlottesville riots.

Trump argued that while the white supremacists at the protests should be blamed and denounced, he believes the Antifa groups that were present also contributed to the violence.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at, as you say, the alt-right?” Trump asked a gaggle of president Tuesday evening. “Do they have any semblance of guilt?”

A voiceover from an NBC reporter confirmed that both sides were looking for violence at the “Unite the Right” rally.

“Police say both protesters and counter-protesters came to Charlottesville ready for a fight,” the reporter said.


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