
Thursday, August 17, 2017

IslamicTerrorist Attack in Barcelona

The breaking news is continuing to come, but it sounds like a Muslim terrorist ran a van down a busy, tourist street in Barcelona, Spain.  The reports are now saying 13 dead and dozens injured, but I'm sure those figures will change.

Ummmm....we are going to take a WILD GUESS and say it was a Muslim terrorist who is super devoted to his god, Allah...and wants desperately to get into paradise so he can start drinking wine and having sex with his 72 perpetual virgin wives!

A white van crashed  into a packed summer crowd this evening in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Barcelona police called it a terror attack. Officials said 13 people were killed and 50 injured.

The driver was arrested around two and a half hours after the attack, reports said.

The vehicle hit pedestrians in Las Ramblas, a busy tree-lined promenade in the centre of the city.

Police released a photograph of a man called Maghrebi Driss Oukabir, who is suspected of renting the van which was used to crashed into pedestrians in Las Ramblas.

Catalan police tweeted "there are mortal victims and injured from the crash" without specifying any numbers. Spanish media, including Cadena SER radio station and TV3, reported up to 13 dead, while other media had varying death tolls.

"We saw everything. People started screaming and running into the office. It was such a chaotic situation. There were families with children. The police made us close the doors and wait inside," she said.

While full details of the incident were not immediately clear, since July 2016 vehicles have been used to ram into crowds in a series of militant attacks across Europe, killing well over 100 people in Nice, Berlin, London and Stockholm.


Hey Telegraph News!!  What kind of MILITANT ATTACKS were they?  Were they militant Methodists?  Militant Lutherans?  Militant Atheists, Hindus or Buddhists?

Nope!  They were all followers of Muhammad!  But SHHHHHHH!!!!....don't say anything like that because we don't want to accused of Islamophobia.  The leftists tell us that Islamophobia is an IRRATIONAL FEAR of Muslims.

So question for you Mr. Leftist....what is the word that we can use for a RATIONAL FEAR of Muslim men between the ages of 17 and 40?  Do you have a name for that?

"Oh but Dennis...just remember that a few days ago an angry, white supremacist  ran his car into a woman in Virginia and killed that's exactly the same as the Muslims killing hundreds of people using that tactic!  If you are going to point your finger at Islam then you need to point your finger at all white people!"

The lunacy of the left is so illogical it's hard to know where to even begin.

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