
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Where Does it End?

Trump continues to be in hot water over his failed attempt to cast blame on equal sides of the Virginia protests last week.

But he did ask one great question in his comments that the leftist-liberal-media seems very willing to ignore:  WHERE DOES IT STOP?

You probably saw the video of protesters tearing down a 100 year old statue of a Civil War when are they going to demand that Mount Rushmore gets blown up to erase the faces of slave-owners Washington and Jefferson?  When are they going to demand that we give back the Black Hills and most of America to the POOR INDIANS that we ruthlessly took it from?

President Trump made a crucial point on Tuesday afternoon in that press conference. You know, the one everyone is saying proves he’s a white supremacist sympathizer or whatever. He did it when discussing the root cause of why many of the protesters had chosen Charlottesville as their place to speak out.

“Many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee,” Trump said. “So, this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself where does it stop?”

The media is steadfastly ignoring this part of the press conference. One, because they want to keep the focus on their narrative, which is that Trump just revealed himself to be some kind of secret NAZI in disguise (a narrative only made slightly more difficult to sell by the fact that he condemned Nazis and white nationalists in unambiguous terms the day before). Two, they really don’t want to talk about that singular, disturbing question: Where does it stop?

Confederate statues and symbols have been under relentless attack since the unthinkable massacre in Charleston, South Carolina two years ago. Because the killer in that case happened to be photographed with a Confederate flag, that was all she wrote. Today, in light of the Charlottesville melee, Democrats (and not a few conservatives) are renewing their calls to tear all of these statues and flags down, remove them to museums, or simply get rid of them altogether.

So let’s say we all agree: Confederate symbols should be wiped off the map. Then we’re faced with President Trump’s question: Where does it stop? Washington and Jefferson were slave owners.  Founding fathers and great thinkers. Brave men are being assailed by a new generation, judged by morals that simply didn’t exist in any meaningful way when they were alive. And we’re supposed to tear down all of this history because a bunch of crying liberals say so? Why? What does it accomplish?

Well, the sad truth of the matter is that the left knows exactly what it’s doing. And if you get deep enough into the extreme fringes of the liberal movement, they’ll tell you flat out. They believe this country was founded on evil. They believe the Constitution is evil. They believe capitalism is evil. They believe white people are evil. And they are going to keep tearing down our history so it is easier for them to remake America in their own chaotic, communist image.

It’s really easy for conservatives to throw up their hands and say, “Ya know, why ARE we defending these Confederate statues anyway?” It’s very easy to justify walking away. But once you do it here, you’ll do it again when they come for Washington and Jefferson.

Just wait and see.


So where does it stop?

I don't think it will stop until Jesus comes to snatch His bride away from this groaning planet.

When that happens America's finances will collapse as millions of Americans are no longer around to make payments, run companies, fly planes, open restaurants, teach school, etc..  This exodus, in turn, will lead to an almost instant dissolution of the "faith and confidence in the US Treasury" making it impossible to refinance our $20 Trillion of debt that needs to be purchased by other nations.

Once America collapses, the rest of the nations will be in utter turmoil as the US Dollar has been the RESERVE CURRENCY in which the entire global financial pyramid has been built upon since the end of WWII.

Once America is gone....yet to be fulfilled prophecies will start dropping like dominoes.

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