
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Obama Tweet

The media is currently consumed with the violence that broke out between alt-right demonstrators and alt-left protesters.

They are saying that President Trump didn't come out and condemn the alt-right, which included some neo-Nazi and KKK types of people.

But today the news is all about how Obama tweeted a response to the Virginia violence and it has since become one of the most liked tweets in the history of Twitter!

So let's see what the ex POTUS had to tweet....

Former President Obama's tweet sharing a message against racism is officially the most-liked tweet ever.

Obama posted a tweet sharing a quote from Nelson Mandela that condemned racism just hours after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. turned violent.

The tweet became the most popular of all time on Tuesday night, with more than 2.7 million likes, three days after it was posted.

"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion..." Obama wrote in the tweet.


If you go to the link and look at the picture that goes with it, you will see a photo of Obama looking into the window as 3 little boys look out.  One boy is Asian, one is white and one is black...and they are all smiling.

As the article says, Obama is quoting Nelson Mandela.

Something to consider as we watch the world fawn over ex POTUS Obama:

first off, the leftists seem to be consumed with what people are or are not BORN WITH.  Clearly they insist that people are born gay, transgender, trans-age, trans-species or any other whacked out trans-thing they can imagine, BUT you are NOT born with a hate filled heart.

The leftists want to believe that people are born good and not born confused.

The Bible would say, that's not the case.  In fact it would say that we are all born as children of the devil and filled with lies, deceit and wickedness.  You can bet your last dollar that as soon as Obama turned his back on those three children and they were left alone to interact without adult supervision that they were biting, kicking, throwing blocks and trucks at each other and refusing to share any toys.  That IS the reality of the human condition.

Also of interest is that Nelson Mandela was the hero of the world as he stood up to apartheid in South Africa.  But ever since apartheid has been torn down and the blacks have taken control, the country has turned into an absolute mess and may even be on the verge of Civil War.  Many historians would actually confirm that Mandela was a confirmed socialist-communist.

So of course the world loves Obama's tweet....but it is misguided on all of it's fronts.

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

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