
Monday, August 21, 2017

Maybe China Can Broker Peace Between Israel and Arabs?

The Bible says that one day the Antichrist will CONFIRM a peace agreement that is in place between Israel and it's Arab neighbors.

Daniel 9 ("He" refers to Antichrist)
27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[h] In the middle of the ‘seven’[i] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering.

So as we watch the world around us and sense the nearness of Christ, we should be able to see the ground being prepared for events that will happen during the Great Tribulation.  And one thing to look for is a PEACE AGREEMENT with Israel that the Antichrist will be able to CONFIRM.

Today we find this in the headlines.

PA official says China could be 'honest broker' in Israel-Palestine talks

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- A senior Palestinian official told a Chinese newspaper
that China could be an "honest broker" between Israel and Palestine, and
that the country could have an important role in future peace agreements.

China's Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday that Tayeb Abdul Rahim,
secretary-general of the Palestinian presidency and an aide to President
Mahmoud Abbas, had told the outlet in a recent interview that China's role
in future peace negotiations could "help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict based on the two-state solution."

According to Xinhua, Rahim was responding to a proposal that was developed
between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Chinese President Xi Jinping
as part of a meeting the two held in Beijing in July, though Abbas had cut
the trip short and returned to the occupied West Bank amid rising tensions
around Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

The proposal set out in Beijing confirmed China's support for a two-state
solution on 1967 border lines with East Jerusalem as the capital of
Palestine and focused on strengthening political and economic ties between
China and the occupied Palestinian territory.

The meetings in Beijing were aimed at reaffirming the longstanding
relationship between China and Palestine, as China was one of the first
countries to recognize the Palestinian state in 1988 and the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), which opened up an embassy in Beijing in

According to Xinhua, China is also expected to host a symposium on the
Israeli-Palestinian peace process later on this year in order to launch
dialogue between Palestine and Israel, with the aim of galvanizing the long
stalled peace negotiations.


We believe the Bible says that Jesus will come for His bride, (all followers of Christ) BEFORE the Antichrist is revealed.  That is our BLESSED HOPE.

So the fact that the world is openly talking about a peace agreement with Israel might be one more reason that WE SHOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF CHRIST COMES like a thief in the night and snatches his bride away to heaven.

Certainly we don't know the day or the hour....but we wouldn't be surprised if it happened today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or next decade.  All we know for CERTAIN is that our time left on earth will be like a we should working for The King with what little time we have left.

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