
Monday, August 21, 2017

What Every Christian Needs to Know About Islam

Sadly, most "Christians" in America are clueless on Islam.  Where and when did it come from?

Since most Christians in America have learned to co-exist with Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Baptists, Mormons, etc... they also believe that it would be a good idea to throw in another religion to co-exist with.  So for that reason they WANT to be tolerant of the Islamic religion.

I have heard many people with good intentions say about Islam, "Can a billion people really be wrong?"

Of course the answer is....YES!!

By: Raymond Taouk 
Today we are living in a time in which we are living in a time in which we are beginning to witness the revival of Islam.

This is something that  Hiliare belloc the great English Historian of the 20th Century had prophetically states in his work  “the great Heresies”. In this book written in the late 1930’s he states that “Millions of modern people of the white civilization—that is, the civilization ofEurope and America—have forgotten all about Islam. They have never come in contact with it. They take for granted that it is decaying, and that, anyway, it is just a foreign religion which will not concern them. It is, as a fact, the most formidable and persistent enemy which our civilization has had, and may at any moment become as large a menace in the future as it has been in the past. The suggestion that Islam may re-arise sounds fantastic but this is only because men are always powerfully affected by the immediate past: one might say that they are blinded by it. “

The fact that most of the Mohammedans are mainly located in the far east is because the people known as today’s  “Arabs”, from whom Islamic religion spread,  were descendents of Ishmael, the son of Abraham who was born of the slave woman agar to whom God said he would multiply her seed. This is why the Ishmael is recognized as a prophet in the Islamic Religion (he is placed after Abraham but before Isaac ).

These sons of Agar dwelt on the Arabian peninsula and were roughly divided between a nomadic and a more or less urban oasis culture.

The Tribal-society aspect of pre-Islamic Arabia explains many of the things that can be found in Islam today. For example, it was perfectly in line with Arab morality to mount raids on other tribes in order to obtain wealth, wives, and slaves, and so the tribes were constantly at war with one another. These desert tribes lived by the code “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. Vengeance was extracted whenever anything was done to hurt any member of the tribe. Forcing people into slavery or kidnapping women, hold them in a harem, and raping them at will was considered just and proper.

The harsh Arab climate produced a harsh tribal society in which violence was the norm. And violence is still an attribute of Islamic societies.

The Arab population was Polytheistic in orientation. The male and female spirits existed in trees; stones, rivers and mountains, and so they were they worshiped a various number of different “gods”. Sacred magic stones were believed to protect the tribes. The Quraysh tribe had adopted a black stone as their tribal magic stone and had set it up at the Kabah. This magical black was kissed when people came on their pilgrimage to worship at the Kabah. It was no doubt an asteroid/meteorite that had fallen out of the sky and thus was viewed as being divine in some way.

In order to appease his pagan family members and the members of the Quraysh tribe, he decided that the best thing he could do was to admit that it was perfectly proper to pray to and worship the three daughters of Allah: Al-Lat, Al-ussa and Manat! This led to the famous “satanic verses” in which Muhammad in a moment of weakness and supposedly under the inspiration of Satan succumbed to the temptation to appease the pagan mobs in Mecca (Sura 53:19).

Muhammad eventually fled to medina, in AD 622. This event is called hejira by the Muslims and marks the beginning of the Muslim era and calendar. In other words the year 622, is the year 1 in the Islamic Calendar.

While at Medina, Muhammad planned and organized the spread of his new religion. The only powerful method he could use was that of violence in the name of Allah – the jihad. This jihad was so successful, despite so many oppositions, that at Muhammad’s death in AD 632 half of the Arabic world had become Muslim, and by AD 750 the Muslims had conquered the Persian and large parts of the Byzantine empire.

From reading the Koran one would not suppose that an enormous number of Arabs were Christians. Though the people of the Hijas were predominately pagan, many of the surrounding tribes had accepted Christianity. There were some members of the Quraysh tribe that had accepted Christianity but they were generally few. However all along the Mediterranean Christianity was already fully established.   In fact it is reported that that when Muhammad entered Mecca in triumph in the year 630, paintings of Jesus and the virgin Mary, among others, were still visible on the inner walls of the Ka’ba.


It’s undeniably important to understand what Moslems do and don’t believe since Islam today is a reality that we have to deal with. The Moslems today dwell not in some distant land across the sea but in the same countries in which we also live and so its important to have at least some understanding of one of the world’s largest religions especially one which most westerners are more than likely to join since it appeals to the senses and isn’t to difficult to follow and that would suit the lifestyle of most materialist godless people today.

On this note, I would like to leave you with the thoughts of Belloc on Islam who in response to the vital question “May not Islam arise again?” He responds, “In a sense the question is already answered because Islam has never departed. It still commands the fixed loyalty and unquestioning adhesion of all the millions between the Atlantic and further a field throughout scattered communities of further Asia. But I ask the question in the sense “Will not perhaps the temporal power of Islam return and with it the menace of an armed Mohammedan world which will shake off the domination of Europeans still nominally Christian and reappear again as the prime enemy of our civilization?” The future always comes as a surprise but political wisdom consists in attempting at least some partial judgment of what that surprise may be. And for my part I cannot but believe that a main unexpected thing of the future is the return of Islam.”


Please, please, please go to this link and read the entire article.  Followers of Christ NEED to understand what this pack of lies is all about.

At it's very core, Islam denies that Jesus is God, denies that he died for our sins and was resurrected.

Clearly they DENY the very foundations of the Christian NO!  Islam can not co-exist with Christian beliefs.

If YOUR church gets any lame-brained idea to bring an Imam into your church to speak at adult education class or to pray from your not be deceived.

"I am the way, the truth and the life.  NO MAN comes to the Father except through me."--Jesus

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