
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Are You Trans-Age?

We all know what transgender is now, but are we being sensitive to those who are trans-age?

What if you happened to be a 52 yr old man but everyday you woke up and believed you were a 6 year old girl trapped in this old man's body?  What if your heart sang when you thought about joining a pack of girl scouts to sell cookies, do fun arts and crafts and maybe even go on a summer camping trip together?

In the olden days they would have told you that you have a psychological problem and to pull up your big boy pants and keep caring for your wife and kids.

But today is a whole new day!!  You can be whomever you want to be!!

If you are stuck in a hairy, old-man's body....just tell the world that you are a little girl named Stefonknee (Stephanie) and they HAVE TO ACCEPT YOU!

If they don't accept you then they are transphobic, sexist, haters!!

Watch this video of a 52 yr old man who now lives as a 6 yr old girl.

If you see this little girl make sure she knows that she is welcome into the safe-space you have created in your home.

Hat tip to Dave G.

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