
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Perfect Polyamorous Relationship

We have said if for the past 9 years and now it is coming true.  Polygamy is being shoved down our throats exactly as gay marriage was. 

A few years ago homosexuality and polyamory was considered perversion...but now that homosexuality is celebrated, we need to follow up with polyamory.  Who could possibly deny a bi-sexual person their life's desire of being married to at least one man and one woman??

Remember, MEN are born with strong sexual desire that can't be satisfied by one woman, and if you disagree you are a polyphobic, racist, bigoted hater who needs to get on the right side of history!!  Besides that, evolution has made men with the strong desire to spread their seed so that survival of the fittest can carry on!  Disagree??  Now you are a science-denier as well as a racist bigot!!

Modern families made up of 1 man and 2-4 women are coming whether you like it or not!  So deal with it!!

Here is a wonderful story about a handsome man and his two beautiful wives!  Oh yeah, it helps if the wives are bi-sexual so they can "relate" to each other if the man of the house is away for too long and they need satisfaction.


And this is HOW the demand for multiple spouses will go mainstream.

First introduce the new idea, then shame anyone who disagrees, then show stories of loving poly-amorous families, then mock anyone who disagrees, then throw out hashtags like #DontJudgeMe and #NonOfYourBusiness, then demand that outdated laws about the definition of marriage be changed!

It worked perfectly for the gays so now its time for the bi-sexuals and the polyamorists to give it a run!!

Matthew 19:5
‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?

1 comment:

  1. If anything the call for multiple wives at least has historical precedence whereas the call to change marriage from man/woman to man/man or woman/woman is a new thing.

    I know you have quoted it many times but here it is again.

    Judges 21:25
    "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes."

    If we as a people no longer recognize Christ as King we will turn our eyes from Him, set ourselves up as the god of our own life, and then of course chase whatever shiny bobble that we think will make us happy.

    I feel as if we are at the beginning of an age where farce will be a thing of the past because truth will be stranger than fiction. There will be nothing beyond the pail. There will be no ludicrously improbable scenarios.

    In the seventies Corporal Maxwell Klinger was funny because it was absurd that a man would demand to wear woman's clothing to work and that the rest of us would just accept it. Now we are told this should be accepted as normal.

    We now have stories of people that are not only transgender they are transage.

    And this is supposed to be "normal".

    Apparently I am able to change my pronouns to ones that I am comfortable with. And if you have the temerity to call me a "he" when my preferred pronoun on Tuesdays is "Xe" and on Wednesdays is "They" you are the one that is way off base. This too is supposed to be looked at as "normal".

    God help us.
