
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

ISIS Attack Thwarted in New York

Just in case you missed it, some more Muslims were charged with plotting an ISIS inspired terror attack in New York...but please, please don't be Islamophobic for entertaining the idea that Muslim men between the ages of 18-40 have ANY higher chance of planning terror attacks than old, white women from Iowa.

Three men have been charged with plotting to carry out ISIS-inspired attacks on music concerts, landmarks and crowded subways in New York, authorities said.

The FBI arrested Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, 19, a Canadian citizen, while traveling to the United States from Canada in the summer of 2016, and he has pled guilty to terrorism offenses; Talha Haroon, 19, an American living in Pakistan, was arrested in Pakistan; and Russell Salic, 37, a Philippine citizen, was arrested in his home country and is also expected to be sent to the United States for trial, federal prosecutors said.

Federal prosecutors said the three men’s goal was to kill and injure as many people as possible. FBI and NYPD officials said the suspects were arrested before obtaining any weapons — although El Bahnasawy had acquired bomb-making materials and secured a cabin to try to build bombs. They described the plot as inspired by the ISIS terror group but said it was more aspirational than operational.

Officials said the three men communicated via Internet messaging applications and planned to commit bombings and mass-shootings during 2016’s Ramadan in New York City. They allegedly intended to detonate bombs in Times Square and in the city’s subway system, while also shooting civilians at specific concert venues.

During their preparations in the spring of 2016, El Bahnasawy and Haroon communicated often via internet messaging on their cell phones. An undercover agent who posed as an ISIS supporter earned their trust and infiltrated their communications, the court documents said.

The men sent the agent images of maps of the subway system that were marked with their intended targets.

"[W]e seriously need a car bomb at times square (sic)," El Bahnasawy allegedly told the undercover agent after sending him a photo of Times Square. "Look at these crowds of people!"

Both men allegedly told the undercover agent that they were connected with an ISIS affiliate in Khorasan Province in Pakistan. According to the court documents, El Bahnasawy told the undercover agent that "[t]hese Americans need an attack" and added that the hoped to "create the next 9/11."

Haroon allegedly said that he planned to “cause great destruction to the filthy kuffars by our hands.”


Of course the leftists want to let anyone from any country to come into America.  They argue that "they are only little kids!  What harm can they do?"  Of course those 13 yr old kids will be 18 in 5 years and if they are still clinging to their Islamic beliefs they have a MUCH HIGHER CHANCE of disrupting this nation with "another 9/11" as these Muslims hoped to do.

Two of these clowns were 19...which means they were just little kids a few years ago.

Time to wake up people!  Islam is NOT good for evidenced by the Muslim majority nations all over the world that very few people want to immigrate into.

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