
Monday, October 9, 2017

Republican Senator Says Trump Recklessness Could Spark WWIII

Uh-oh!  The Republicans are starting to break ranks as their feathers get ruffled.  Senator Corker comes un-corked at The Donald!

And the New York Times simply has to LOVE reporting this one! 

Bob Corker Says Trump’s Recklessness Threatens ‘World War III’

WASHINGTON — Senator Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, charged in an interview on Sunday that President Trump was treating his office like “a reality show,” with reckless threats toward other countries that could set the nation “on the path to World War III.”

In an extraordinary rebuke of a president of his own party, Mr. Corker said he was alarmed about a president who acts “like he’s doing ‘The Apprentice’ or something.”

“He concerns me,” Mr. Corker added. “He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation.”

Mr. Corker’s comments capped a remarkable day of sulfurous insults between the president and the Tennessee senator — a powerful, if lame-duck, lawmaker, whose support will be critical to the president on tax reform and the fate of the Iran nuclear deal.

It began on Sunday morning when Mr. Trump, posting on Twitter, accused Mr. Corker of deciding not to run for re-election because he “didn’t have the guts.” Mr. Corker shot back in his own tweet: “It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.”

The senator, Mr. Trump said, had “begged” for his endorsement. “I said ‘NO’ and he dropped out (said he could not win without my endorsement),” the president wrote. He also said that Mr. Corker had asked to be secretary of state. “I said ‘NO THANKS,’” he wrote.

Mr. Corker flatly disputed that account, saying Mr. Trump had urged him to run again, and promised to endorse him if he did. But the exchange laid bare a deeper rift: The senator views Mr. Trump as given to irresponsible outbursts — a political novice who has failed to make the transition from show business.

Mr. Trump poses such an acute risk, the senator said, that a coterie of senior administration officials must protect him from his own instincts. “I know for a fact that every single day at the White House, it’s a situation of trying to contain him,” Mr. Corker said in a telephone interview.

The deeply personal back-and-forth will almost certainly rupture what had been a friendship with a fellow real estate developer turned elected official, one of the few genuine relationships Mr. Trump had developed on Capitol Hill. Still, even as he leveled his stinging accusations, Mr. Corker repeatedly said on Sunday that he liked Mr. Trump, until now an occasional golf partner, and wished him “no harm.”

The White House did not respond to a request for comment on Mr. Corker’s remarks.

Mr. Trump’s feud with Mr. Corker is particularly perilous given that the president has little margin for error as he tries to pass a landmark overhaul of the tax code — his best, and perhaps last, hope of producing a major legislative achievement this year.

Poor Donald!  If only life could be just like The Apprentice....he would fire all these Senators and Congressmen and start writing his own business plan for America!  Then he could MAGA!!

Senators have huge (EEEUUGE!) egos and so does Mr. Trump.  When you get them both teed up...the shots back and forth seem quite severe.

After having Obama for eight years who gave daily broadcasts to our enemies on what we would NEVER bomb, invade or attack....I think its kind of refreshing to have someone in office that has to be thoroughly confusing to our enemies.

"What did he mean by that?"

"Do you think he's serious about pulling out of that agreement?"

"Do you think he is really gonna build a wall and kick out all the illegals with criminal records?"

Author Jonathan Cahn has recently come forward with a character from 2 Kings named Jehu.  It seems that Jehu was a man of less than genteel manners who The Lord used in a mighty way to accomplish HIS purposes.  Of course Cahn is showing us how Trump and Jehu have some similarities

Remember, God can use anyone he wants and very often uses far, far less than perfect individuals to accomplish His purposes.

I have no idea if Donald will end up being good or bad for America, but I know one thing for sure....Donald is POTUS because God ordained it.  We just won't know until the BY AND BY whether he was ordained to offer us a respite from the abyss that Team Obama-Hilary were leading us to, OR maybe Donald is going to end up being the lightning rod that sparks the world into the Last Days scenario that enables the Antichrist to take over?

Only God knows.

But we rest in that knowledge.

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