
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

North Korea Says Nuclear War Could Break Out Any Moment

Rocket Man has some more things to tell the world today.

North Korea's deputy U.N. ambassador warned Monday that the situation on the Korean peninsula "has reached the touch-and-go point and a nuclear war may break out any moment."

Kim In Ryong told the U.N. General Assembly's disarmament committee that North Korea is the only country in the world that has been subjected to "such an extreme and direct nuclear threat" from the United States since the 1970s — and said the country has the right to possess nuclear weapons in self-defense.
He pointed to large-scale military exercises every year using "nuclear assets" and said what is more dangerous is what he called a U.S. plan to stage a "secret operation aimed at the removal of our supreme leadership."
This year, Kim said, North Korea completed its "state nuclear force and thus became the full-fledged nuclear power which possesses the delivery means of various ranges, including the atomic bomb, H-bomb and intercontinental ballistic rockets."
"The entire U.S. mainland is within our firing range and if the U.S. dares to invade our sacred territory even an inch it will not escape our severe punishment in any part of the globe," he warned.

Well this is certainly a tough spot for Trump and Co....if we do nothing and a nuke kills 1 million in LA and starts the collapse of USA, then he will go down as the worst president in the world and few will be around to read the history books.

But if he goes to DEFCON 5 and decides to launch a massive pummeling of North Korea and they end up launching missiles into South Korea and kill thousands, it may end up sparking WWIII and bring China into full confrontation with USA and our allies (if we have any anymore).

So if you aren't regularly praying for our leaders that the Holy Spirit would guide their decisions, today would be a good day to start.

As for us Bible readers, we don't fear news events like this as the secular world does because we know that this entire situation has already been seen by Almighty God and that no outcome will surprise him and nothing will happen that he has not allowed.


  1. I thought for sure I would see this story on you blog. Politician from Florida, abducted by aliens, runs for congress.
