
Friday, October 13, 2017

Why Study Bible Prophecy?

Because Jesus thought it was important!

1. Nearly a Third of the Bible is Prophecy

Some 31% of the Bible is God letting mankind know what the future holds. And I'm not just talking about the writings of the Major and Minor Prophets and the book of Revelation. 

If you don't want to read prophecy, then you also have to skip the Psalms, Jesus' own teachings in the Gospels, and pretty much all the books by Peter, Paul, Jude and John. The Apostle Paul warned Christians, "Do not despise prophecies." He even confirmed that "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God" and so that must also include the prophetic writings. 

And, even Jesus throughout the Gospels and Revelation, recited prophecies from the Old Testament and taught new ones. To top it all off, Jesus promised a blessing for those who read and obey the prophecies in the book of Revelation.

So, if prophecy is so important to Jesus, then shouldn't it be important to Christians as well?


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