
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The "Everything Bubble" Has Inflated and Ready to Pop

Everybody knows what a real estate bubble is.  We all saw how that inflated and popped in 2008.  Of course that led to stock market bubble popping as consumer confidence collapsed.

So did we fix anything from that serious financial crisis of 2007-2009?

Of course not!  All we did is paper over everything with massive amounts of printed money.

Listen to this economist talk about how everything (stocks, bonds, government bonds, credit) is in a massive bubble.  He says that when it pops it's going to be massive.


Of course NO ONE ever can say WHEN a bubble will pop.  Things could go on as they are for some more days, months or years.

But here is the deal you can take to the bank;  The Bible says that the Antichrist is one day going to take over a global financial system.  In order for that to happen our current financial system, with the US Dollar as the reserve currency, has to go away.

Our blessed hope is that the rapture of the church will be the nail in the coffin for America.  We can't know that for sure, but it would make sense when Jesus said it be business as usual, eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, planting, building and most folks will be clueless as to what is happening until the followers of Christ are snatched away and the people left behind will have destruction come upon them suddenly.

**If you want some more ideas about what THE EVERYTHING BUBBLE actually is....check out this book on the topic.

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