
Monday, October 23, 2017

Who Wants to Marry Their Sexbot?

Why should any of this really surprise us?  Anything that goes AGAINST what God clearly said about marriage being ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN seems to be what modern man wants to do!

And since modern man says that we all evolved from space dust and that there is no creator to be accountable to....why not create a robot that can clean your house, rub your feet, make you dinner, carry on a conversation AND fulfill all your sexual desires?...and she is never in a bad mood because bad moods don't exist in her program!!

The inventor of one of the world's first sex robots claims he is not far away from being able to have a 'baby' with one of his creations. Sergi Santos also thinks people will be getting married to their automatic lovers within a generation.
Santos previously revealed that his sex robot Samantha – who moans and groans when he touches her in the right places – had improved his marriage of 16 years to fellow designer Martisa Kissamitaki.
But Kissamitaki might not be so relaxed about the prospect of her promiscuous scientist breeding with his silicon seductress.
Santos's vision of a sex robot baby involves 'merge' the robot's personality and physical traits with his own attributes in a computer program to create their 'child's' brain and body, that can be 'born' in a 3D printer.
He said: "I can make them have a baby. It's not so difficult. I would love to have a child with a robot. Using the brain I have already created, I would program it with a genome so he or she could have moral values, plus concepts of beauty, justice and the values that humans have.
"To create a child with this robot it would be extremely simple. I would make an algorithm of what I personally believe about these concepts, and then shuffle it with what she thinks and then 3D print it.
"That's it. I 3D print the robot that is the child of me and the robot...I don't see any complications," he added, in conversation with The Sun.
If Santos is right, it will open up huge ethical questions about our the rights sex robot children and the meaning of what it is to be human in the 21st century. The inventor is confident that the shock with which people have greeted the first generation of sex robots will be replaced by an acceptance of their place in civil society.
I know I have used this Bible verse from Judges quite often over the years...but it always pops into my mind when I read stuff like this.
"In those days, Israel had no king and every man did as he saw fit."

Hat tip to Julie E.

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