
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Pope Says Mary is the Source of Our Hope

Crazy Pope! 

It would be awesome if hundreds of thousands of Catholics would have their eyes opened because of this most recent blasphemy uttered by their Pope.  At our little church we have dozens of members who were raised Catholic but walked away when Christ pointed out the false teachings embedded in that religion.

Pope Francis, the Jesuit, now claims that mother mary is the source of our hope, and not Jesus Christ.

The absolute blasphemy sustained in this statement should make every catholic repent and turn to the truth; The Bible, rather than the doctrine of lies, the catholic church. 

According to the catholic doctrine, Jesus Christ is third on the list of whom grants us hope. Mary, the mother church, and then Jesus Christ.

“Thus, this is “our hope: we are not orphans, we have mothers”: first of all Mary. And then the Church, who is Mother “when she follows the same path of Jesus and Mary: the path of obedience, the path of suffering, and when her approach is to constantly learn the way of the Lord”.

The blasphemy protruding out of the pope’s mouth should shake the catholic church and turn it towards that of life, which is obtained only through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and not through a church; but rather a personal relationship with The Messiah.

Scripture clearly references Jesus Christ as the hope of our lives, not the church. This statement means that the pope is either; lacking knowledge regarding scripture, or it’s a deliberate plan to build the synagog of satan.

This statement is not the only time the pope has attacked Jesus Christ and nor will it be the last, however not too long ago the pope was also caught singing to lucifer rather than Jesus Christ.

It’s all in the twist. The pope continually twists scriptures to meet his narrative rather than that of Christ. Which clearly should show that the pope has an agenda to bring about the antichrist.


Interesting!!  We have often said on this blog that if the rapture had happened yesterday we think the Pope would be a great candidate for FALSE PROPHET. 

And here this website is so bold as to say "the pope has an agenda to bring about the antichrist."

Even so...Come Lord Jesus!!

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