
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Trump May Soon Name Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

Holy smokes!!  This could be some huge news!  It could have huge prophetic implications!!  It could start another war with the Muslims!!  It could lead to a huge blessing for America!!  It could make the leftists and Israel-hating liberals hate Trump more than they already do!!!

US President Donald Trump is reportedly planning to announce in the coming days that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and is giving serious thought on how to fulfil his election campaign pledge to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

According to fresh information in Israel, Trump is giving greater thought to the idea due to domestic political considerations, primarily stemming from reinvigorated pressure by the Republican party and Evangelical Christians.

To that end, Trump and his staff are considering how to avoid signing for a second time the waiver that would leave the embassy in Tel Aviv.

Presidents of both the Republican and Democratic parties have renewed the waiver every six months for years, enabling them to bypass a law that requires that washington order its Israeli embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Trump promised during his election campaign that he would move the US embassy “to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.”

While hopes in Israel have so far been dashed that a US president would finally fulfil the embassy pledge, Trump has taken a number of steps that have constituted a departure from previous administration.

Most notably, in May Trump arrived at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, becoming the first sitting US president to visit the ancient Jewish holy site. 

Close Trump associates have reportedly recommended that he make the announcement of transferring the embassy in the near future.

American intelligence circles may caution Trump against the move, warning of the security-related ramifications that could ensue and danger that it could pose to American embassies around the world.

Rumors of Trump’s planned announcement were met with warnings from Jordan's King Abdullah II, who said during a visit to the US that "the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem at this stage will have repercussions in the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic scene."

He also added that it would "endanger the two-state solution and could be potentially exploited by terrorists to stoke anger, frustration, and desperation in order to spread their ideologies.",7340,L-5049989,00.html

Jerusalem isn't mentioned even once in the Koran....yet the Muslims threaten to explode if the status of Jerusalem is claimed.

And yet the Bible names Jerusalem over 700 times and it's FOREVER GOD'S HOLY CITY!! 

We know God is going to use Jerusalem in a mighty way during the 1000 year reign of Christ from maybe America should just help to get the ball rolling??

Isaiah 2
Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

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