
Friday, January 26, 2018

Muslim Model Fired for Anti Jew Tweets

Last week Loreal cosmetics made the news because they feature a Muslim lady in a hajib.

Today we read that they had to fire her because....SURPRISE!!!....she made some disparaging remarks about Jews.

Last week progressive elites celebrated the hijab-wearing model in the new L’Oreal hair ads.

L’Oreal thought it was a good idea to show a Muslim who is not allowed to show her hair in public in one of their ads.
Model Amena Khan made history earlier this month when she became the first woman wearing a hijab to appear an in advertisement for hair care, on behalf of L’OrĂ©al Paris.
Then, someone found tweets she posted several years ago, per the Jerusalem Post, in which she referred to Israelis as “child murderers,” among other insults. She also called Israel a “sinister state,” an “illegal state” and hoped for the country to be defeated. Other tweets found the model accused Israel of committing “Torture. Murder. Rape. Genocide” and, quite falsely, noting that “Orthodox Jews themselves condemn the actions of Israel.”
Khan has since apologized for the original tweets, saying that she stepped down “because the current conversations surrounding it detract from the positive and inclusive sentiment that it set out to deliver.”

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