
Friday, January 26, 2018

World Heading for “Decade of Gloom”

I've been accused by some folks of being a DOOM and GLOOMER. 

I disagree with that title...but I must admit that if Jesus had said to look for peace, prosperity, no world hunger, no wars, blacks loving whites and whites loving blacks, beautiful sunshine every day and diseases being stamped out every week, as the signs of His return to earth...I'd probably be taking my sweet time in lifting up my head while looking for redemption.

But as it turns out, everything Jesus told us to watch for kind of fits into the doom and gloom category.

World Bank Says World is Heading for a Decade of Gloom in 2018

The World Bank is now issuing a warning that the global economy is heading for a decade of gloom, in line with warnings being issued by the Eurasia Group who is stating that the world is facing a ‘big unexpected crisis’ in 2018.

The warning issued by Franziska Ohnsorge echoes prior institutions including Legal and General Asset Management, which both fear that the US economy will surge ahead before rate hikes break the bubble and cause a recession.

However, the World Bank is not the only group issuing such ‘dire’ warnings in fact, according to the Eurasia Group; “In the 20 years since we started Eurasia Group, the global environment has had its ups and downs,” Eurasia President Ian Bremmer and Chairman Cliff Kupchan wrote in the outlook. “But if we had to pick one year for a big unexpected crisis — the geopolitical equivalent of the 2008 financial meltdown — it feels like 2018. Sorry.”
Furthermore, the Eurasia Group also stated that “We aren’t on the brink of World War III, but absent a global security underwriter, and with a proliferation of subnational and non-state actors capable of destabilizing action, the world is a more dangerous place.”
In accordance with the World Bank and the Euro Group, similarly, The United Nations Secretary-General issued a ‘Red Alert’ for 2018. Mr. Guterres stated that the crises of the world are deepening. Further, the leader of the UN compared climate change to nuclear weapons and mentioned that nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise.

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