
Monday, March 19, 2018

Allah Takes Over Church in the Bible Belt

The Bible tells us over a dozen times that the One True God is the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".

Jesus goes on to confirm that if you aren't acknowledging HIM as God that you are not worshiping the One True God.

Islam teaches that Jesus is not God.  They also teach the lie that Ishmael was the promised son and NOT Isaac.

So logic simply tells you that Islam is not worshiping the same God as followers of Christ.

So why are some many Methodists, Lutherans and Catholics so thoroughly confused?

A former church has been taken over and converted to a mosque in a rural North Carolina county, and a group of Christian pastors took part in the conversion ceremony in an effort to show mutual respect for their Muslim neighbors.

Crosses have been removed from the former church’s facade and steeple, and mosque leader Ali Muhammad turned them over to the group of pastors.

“What they were attempting to do is honor our tradition and so they wanted to turn the crosses over to us,” said the Rev. Jim Melnyk, pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Smithfield, a small town in Johnston County about 45 minutes south of Raleigh. “They were reaching out to us, and we were reaching out to them.”

Melnyk said he was joined by pastors from the United Methodist Church, United Church of Christ and three different Baptist congregations at Saturday’s ceremony, which marked the official conversion of a former Pentecostal church into a mosque. One lay person from the local Presbyterian Church was also present for the “celebration.”

Melnyk told WND the mosque had reached out to the local churches through an interfaith group in Raleigh and was hoping to strike a welcoming and respectful tone for the two faiths.

Melnyk said Christianity and Islam “share common origins and scriptures” and that he felt it was the right thing to do to participate in the mosque opening as a show of respect for Islam, a fellow monotheistic faith.

“Christians, Jews and Muslims are all people of the book, and we all claim what the Hebrew Scriptures call the Abrahamic faith,” Melnyk told WND. “We call it the Old Testament, and Muslims also claim the Bible.”

Islam teaches the Bible was corrupted by Jews and Christians and that the Quran was the final, perfected revelation of Allah as given by the Angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad. Melnyk said he is aware of these teachings.

“All of us humans are imperfect. We all struggle and we all look to the divine for inspiration, and we don’t always get it right,” he said.

But, he said despite being “imperfect,” the Islamic faith worships the “same god” as Christianity and Judaism.

Melnyk said he has personally worshiped Allah with Muslims during interfaith gatherings in Raleigh.

Sadly, many have succumbed to the same lie that Satan has thrown out since the beginning of time..."Did God REALLY say that?  Surely He didn't mean that these good people are worshiping a false god!"

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