
Monday, March 19, 2018

America’s New Civil War

Many of us have wondered how deep and how wide the divisions in America would need to get before another Civil War could break out.

The leftists continue to roll our the flawed narrative that Donald Trump is like they believe that they can do ANYTHING in their power, including violence and chaos, to attempt to foil his legal election.

Many people think Americans are more divided today than at any time since the Civil War – and further, that we are involved in another albeit different sort of “civil war” between two intensely opposed groups of Americans.

If this is true, we are in desperate need of understanding what we’re dealing with and why our beautiful, once-unified nation is being ripped apart – and hopefully reversing course.

There was a time when our nation’s conflicts could be understood through a political lens – liberal versus conservative, Democrat versus Republican. Liberals wanted bigger government and more free stuff, conservatives wanted smaller, less intrusive government, and our nation was a compromise between those two opposing forces. We had a powerful, capitalist, free-market economy, but also a sizable social safety net – and most Americans were happy with that balance.

Such compromise was possible only because, underlying the give and take between liberal and conservative, most Americans were on the same page culturally and religiously: Deep down, pretty much everyone embraced our country’s Judeo-Christian moral foundation.

Not anymore. You cannot understand America solely through a political lens anymore. A new California law, SB 219, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, says you can be thrown into prison for 12 months for failing to use the correct transgender pronoun. That is, for refusing to use words that never existed before – newly created pronouns like co, en, ey, xie and yo, which correspond to dozens of new genders that also never existed before in human history, like genderqueer, pangender, hijra and genderfluid.

Another example: the growing trend of branding all white people, especially white males, as racist – just for being white. Is that liberal or conservative?

Another example: Taxpayers shell out hundreds of millions of dollars every year to fund an organization whose primary business is butchering unborn human babies and selling off their mangled body parts for profit – Planned Parenthood. Is that liberal or conservative? Neither. It is, however, evil and insane.

One last example: There’s huge ongoing pressure in this country, exerted by Democrat politicians, journalists, “immigration activists” and others, to import into our nation as many people as possible from regions and cultures that don’t love us or our Constitution, are unlikely to assimilate, and whose core religious, political and cultural values are wildly incompatible with ours. In fact, some of these immigrants admit, when surveyed, that they would very much like to replace our Constitution with a barbaric, medieval 6th-century legal system called Shariah.

Is this a liberal or conservative value? Neither. The Democrats do this because they hope to convert these people ultimately into Democratic voters so they can finally achieve their holy grail of a “permanent progressive majority” – that’s their term – enabling them to rule America forever and not have to worry about elections.

But we’re talking here about a policy that destroys a great nation for the sake of establishing rule over it. If any outside power tried to do that, we would surely find ourselves at war with it.

"But Dennis, a Civil War could never happen in America!  This is America!  Everything will always be just fine."

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