
Monday, March 19, 2018

LGBTQ and Suicidal Thoughts

Hmmmm....I wonder why LGBTQ students are having a problem with suicidal thoughts?

Nearly one third of first-year college students have thought about suicide, according to a study across eight countries, and non-heterosexual identity or feelings were the biggest risks for this kind of thinking or behavior.

Having a religion other than Christianity, being female, having unmarried parents or at least one deceased parent and being age 20 or older were also important risk factors, though being a sexual minority also carried the highest risk of transitioning from suicidal thoughts to plans to attempts, the researchers found.

The study team found that sexual minorities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students were at four-to-eight-fold higher risk than others for suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Heterosexual students with experience of same-sex intercourse were at about three-to-four-fold higher risk, while heterosexual students with same-sex attraction had about double the risk.

Other factors like non-Christian religion, age and parental characteristics raised risk by about two-fold or less.

Sexual orientation also raised the likelihood of transitioning from suicidal thinking to plans or attempts by up to three-fold.

“Some people worry that this data may stigmatize sexual minorities,” said Jacqueline Pistorello, a clinical psychologist and researcher at the University of Nevada, Reno’s counseling services, who wasn’t involved in the study. “Suicidality has multiple pathways. We need to focus on what are the skills we need to give these kids to keep them alive,” she said in a telephone interview.

Is it possible that these kids have a mental disorder that has the males thinking they are females and the females thinking they are males?

Is it possible that the leftists who encourage this behavior as "normal" are actually steering our kids down the wide road that leads to destruction?

"Good will be called evil and evil will be called good."

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