
Monday, March 26, 2018

Army of Islam Proposed by Turkey Sure Sounds Like Ezekiel 38 Coalition

Ezekiel 38 tells us that Turkey will be a player in the Last Days coalition that desires to destroy Israel and take their wealth.

Russia, Iran and some other North African Muslim nations are also named players.

When we read this article about Turkey proposing a Muslim army to destroy should make us sit up take notice.  Also see that Somalia and Sudan are mentioned...which is North Africa.

Mercy!! This sure seems like a major prophetic event to me!!

TURKEY’S President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) have announced they want to create an “army of Islam” to wage war against Israel, it has been revealed.

Less than a month ago the Turkish state’s mouthpiece the daily Yeni Şafak ran an article for Erdogan titled “A call for urgent action” and on the newspaper’s website headlined “What if an army of Islam formed against Israel?”

It called for the 57 member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to form a joint army to simultaneously attack Israel from all sides.

The article said: “If the member states of the OIC unite militarily, they will form the world’s largest and most comprehensive army.

“The number of active soldiers would be at least 5,206,100, while the defence budget would reach approximately $175billion (£124billion).”

This was accompanied by an interactive map providing formation of military forces for a joint Muslim attack on Israel.

The article provided additional details of the plan, saying: “It is expected that 250,000 soldiers will participate in the first of a possible operation.

“Land, air and naval bases of member states located in the most critical regions will be used.

“Joint bases will be constructed in a short period of time… It is possible for 500 tanks and armoured vehicles, 100 planes and 500 attack helicopters and 50 ships to mobilise quickly.”

Erdogan did not deny his support for the report and has on several occasions said he would like to resurrect the Ottoman Empire.

The tyrant has established military bases in Qatar and Somalia and recently reached an agreement with Sudan to acquire a Sudanese island in the Red Sea to be used as a military base.


We can't know for sure this is the Ezekiel 38 coalition forming, but it would sure seem that WWIII is being prepared when you see the headline of this article.

World War 3: Turkey's Erdogan calls for 'ARMY of Islam' to ATTACK Israel on all sides

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