
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

As Expected, Students Protesting Guns Are Clueless and Angry

As you read these articles, your first response is to laugh at how ignorant and smug these folks are. 

But soon you realize that these angry leftists are cloning themselves at colleges and public high schools all over the country.

They don't realize that Hitler, Stalin and Mao first took the guns of their citizens before they killed millions.

In fact, these kids don't even know who Stalin is...and most of them think communism would be a good thing for America.

So who do you think PUT THESE IGNORANT KIDS onto the buses and let them out of school to travel to D.C. to protest?  Who do you think paid for it?  Who do you think organized it?  Who do you think is giving their lunatic ideas life by broadcasting updates on the news everyday?

On Saturday, people across the country took to the streets to protest gun rights in connection with the organized March Against Our Lives demonstration in Washington, D.C.

Reporter Austin Fletcher, known as Fleccas, hit up downtown Los Angeles to see what these "common sense" solutions to blunt gun violence were all about. Of course, most of the protesters threw out lovely platitudes but had no real solutions, were deeply confused about current gun policy, and scoffed at the idea that a good guy with a gun could stop a criminal with a gun.

"The NRA is a terrorist organization," said one protester who rocked a black "F*** Trump" t-shirt. He added that the gun rights organization with over 5 million members is on par with the Islamic State.

Some of the protesters who didn't outright tell the truth about the desire to confiscate guns assured the public that this march was not about taking away guns or abolishing the Second Amendment. They did this right before they cited Australia, a country whose government had a mandatory gun buyback. So...

And the logic about violence was airtight.

"It's okay when we kill each other when you're trying to fight for your country, or your land, or fr---, but when it comes to me shooting you, it's a crime?" said one female protester.

What if a man with a gun broke into your home, asked Fleccas. "wouldn't you be at a disadvantage" without a gun?

"Indeed," replied one woman, "but that's just the bad luck of my life."

If you die, you die.

Other protesters stated their desire for the U.S. to ban fully automatic weapons, which are already banned, and were confused about the difference between automatic and semi-automatic weapons.

"The public doesn't need machine guns; they don't need automatic weapons," said one man.

When he was told this was already a reality, the protester responded, "Assault weapons, dude." He then swiftly left to go "march."

That was actually a common theme in the video. When, Fleccas would counter their lofty arguments with facts, these extreme protesters were suddenly in a hurry to get out of there. Weird.

And what about protecting our schools with an armed, trained security guard, just as we protect our airports and banks? This was apparently an appalling suggestion.

"F*** no," said one protester to the idea.

This is "not a priority," answered another woman.

"Our schools aren't prisons," was another refrain.

One protester contested, "It doesn't actually make us safer to have armed security officers."

And then make sure to go this link below and watch an actual video from the march where a reporter asks some protesters some very basic questions about the guns they hope to ban.

Here are some of the best answers:

“Yeah, it’s um, assault weapon. It’s like, um — I kind of do, but kind of don’t.”

“No, I guess. But assault weapons, like, does that sound safe to you?”

“A phrase that comes to mind is like, military style weapon.”

“Yeah, it’s an arm that, like a gun for instance, that you can buy at a shop pretty easily that is, like — can cause more deaths than, like, one, I guess.”

It's tragic to ponder but how many of these protesters do you suppose have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ?

Just a few?  None?

So how many do you suppose have actually bought into evolution as THE answer to how everything came into existence?  How many do you suppose have no problem with a woman allowing a doctor to reach into her uterus and murder a baby?  How many do you suppose wake up in the morning and give thanks to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus for their life and breath?  How many of them do you suppose believe what the Bible confirms about marriage being between one man and one woman til death separates them?  How many of those teens do you suppose have already given their minds over to daily viewing of porn and hallucinogenic drugs?

Take heart folks!  Please remember that God is still on the throne and he laughs at those folks who shake their fist at him.

Psalm 2
1 Why do the nations rage
    and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
    and the rulers band together
    against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break their chains
    and throw off their shackles.”

4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
    the Lord scoffs at them.
5 He rebukes them in his anger
    and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 “I have installed my king
    on Zion, my holy mountain.”  (Hey!  That's Jesus that the Psalmist is talking about!)

Praise the Lord!  Jesus IS coming!

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