
Monday, March 5, 2018

Death to America!

Iran teaches its schoolkids to open their day with a shout, "Death to America!"

The leftists in defenders of Islam in America say we should just ignore that because it doesn't really mean anything.

Really?  Then why do they say it?

Let's read what a Muslim actually has to say about this.

One of the most astonishing misconceptions I have come across in the West is the habit that some people -- especially many media outlets -- have of attempting to trivialize radical Islamists chants such as "Death to America", "Death to Israel", and "Death to Britain". Even government officials tend to reduce these outbursts of hatred from the threats they really are to common banter.

Some of the so-called leftists, as well as agents of the extremist Muslim groups in the West, or spokesmen for the Islamic Republic of Iran, try to explain that these chants do not mean what they say, and what most people probably assume they say. Some sympathizers with extremist Muslims even try to insist that these messages are merely examples of "cultural differences". The purpose of these sympathizers is seemingly to mislead a vulnerable populace into thinking that they should not worry about those chants or about the open and passionate threats against their communities.

This dumbing-down is especially intriguing because the same people who attempt culturally to explain, justify or minimize the meaning of "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" have never lived under Islamic rule or even studied those fundamentalist states. Yet they take it upon themselves to explain the meaning of these chants as if they know better than the people issuing them.

The objective of these sympathizers seems clear: to coax Westerners into a false sense of security and encourage them not to take these threats seriously. These sympathizers stress the importance of not being alarmed by these chants, and try to convince the public that being afraid is a simply sign of ignorance. Ultimately this conditioning of the Western culture allows the extremist Muslims to expand their agenda slowly and covertly, while those who raise the alarm are shoved to edge of society and ostracized as "racists" or "Islamophobes", while the public remains lulled into a slumbering state.

I grew up being taught every morning in school to raise my fist and chant loudly "Death to America", "Death to Israel" and "Death to Britain". There was no confusion as to the meaning of those chants. If I did not do so, I was severely punished. Unfortunately, "Death to" means exactly what it says.

There are countless examples of followers committing such acts: the Berlin Christmas market attack; The Los Angeles International Airport shooting; the murders of the staff of the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo or the Parisian kosher supermarket; the Little Rock recruiting office shooting by the jihadist Addulhakim Muhajid Muhammad; the Fort Hood shooting by a U..S. army psychiatrist, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, whose business cards read SoA: Soldier of Allah; the Boston Marathon bombings; the terrorist attack with a hatchet against four New York policemen on a subway; the San Bernardino attack, the mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, the Ohio State University attack, the United States embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, and in 2017 the Lower Manhattan attack, just to name a few. That does not even start to mention the attacks in Israel, Australia, Canada or the Indian Subcontinent.

How many more examples need to be added to the list? How many acts of terror and innocent lives lost are needed before everyone, and the mainstream media, begin to recognize that yes, these chants mean "Death to America", "Death to Israel, and "Death to Britain"? They are very literal threats, meant to incite followers into murderous action. Let us not to continue delude ourselves and be misled by those who attempt to advance these Islamist agendas.

We have wondered it numerous times...but as you look at the delusion that seems to be taking over the leftists of America, could it be possible that it is a foreshadowing of the GREAT DELUSION mentioned in 2 Thessalonians?

They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

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