
Monday, March 5, 2018

Why Do Jews Vote For Democrats?

Have you ever wondered why American Jews seem to vote for Obama and other Democrats?  Why would they favor politicians who don't have much care for Israel and even cavort with anti-Semitic leaders?

Here's a very interesting article and explanation.

 Possibly one of the oddest wonders in politics is the affinity for the Democratic Party, and the Left at large, among American Jews. In fact, when polled before the 2016 election by the Israeli newspaper, Ha’aretz, 70% of Jews preferred Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. This ratio has remained approximately the same throughout other presidential elections and was the exact same percentage of the Jewish vote won by Barack Obama in his 2012 reelection.

But the question is clear — why? Why would Jews vote for a party that has a long history of anti-Israel sentiments, which continue to grow? Why would they vote for an ideology that embraces anti-Semitic radicals?

Sadly, this is not hyperbole, as there are many examples of anti-Semitic incidents on the Left. Former president Barack Obama was notoriously cold toward Israel for most of his presidency, and showed it often, from lifting sanctions on Iran with the help of Secretary of State John Kerry and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, to humiliating Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and by abstaining from a crucial U.N. vote demanding any Israeli building in the “occupied territories” cease immediately. In fact, in January, a 2005 photo of Obama and Louis Farrakhan, the notorious anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, emerged, and it was found that the Congressional Black Caucus hid it so Obama’s political career would not be damaged as a result.

But Obama and his administration aren’t the only culprits in this anti-Semitic characterization of the Left. Deputy DNC chair Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, also has a long history of being anti-Israel, including his relationship with Farrakhan. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Ellison attended a dinner with Farrakhan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013, although Ellison denies that he knew who would be at the dinner in advance and disavows “anti-Semitism and bigotry in all of its forms."

So, why do American Jews overwhelmingly vote Democrat and lean Left?

The answer is simple and can possibly apply to other religions as well. The vast majority of Jews in the United States are secular, or, in other words, a Jew in name only. This translates into calling themselves Jewish but in truth much of American Jewry has little to no connection to Judaism at all. And as a person moves further away from religion, he needs something to fill the void that God should be occupying.

That void, by design, is filled by the State. This is the Progressive Left’s doctrine. The government takes care of a person cradle to grave, and the individual has no one else to turn to for any of his needs. This is one reason why the Left vehemently detests religion altogether.


Amazing!  It's SOOO true!  The left wants the government to take care of you from cradle to grave which is why they detest religion....unless you are a Muslim...and for now the left wants to defend those folks who they believe are downtrodden.

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