
Friday, March 9, 2018

Health Benefits of Sex

This was a headline that scrolled across my Google News today;

10 health benefits of having more sex

So of course they have beautiful photos of lovely men and women looking at each other with desire and smiles as the text below the picture tells of the health benefits of more sex.

But wait.....that's not politically correct to just show men and women looking at each other with desire!

So CNN just HAD to show some lesbian women and gay men looking at each other with desire.

So it's funny to me that in the last photo, the text says;

In case you didn't know it, sex can also make a baby. And that can be good for you. Studies show that people with kids living at home tend to have more money and are more highly educated and in better health.

Hey CNN!  You should clarify to all your politically correct readers that sex between the gay men and lesbian women that you photographed can not, in fact, make a baby.

You should clarify that before you end up offending gays and lesbians everywhere.

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