
Friday, March 9, 2018

Indonesians Kill Rare Tiger They Believed Was a Shapeshifter

As some conservatives have repeated....some cultures really are better than other cultures.

Today we see more ignorance coming out of Muslim dominated societies.

Indonesian villagers kill rare tiger after believing it was a shapeshifter, conservation officials say

Remote Indonesian villagers who were becoming increasingly fearful that a shapeshifter was hiding out in their community killed and disemboweled a rare Sumatran tiger on Sunday because they thought it harnessed supernatural powers, conservation officials say.

The bloodied carcass of the critically endangered big cat was photographed Sunday hanging from beams covering a public gathering space in Hatupangan in north Sumatra.

"Unfortunately they would not listen. They insisted on killing the tiger," Hotmauli Sianturi, the regional head of Indonesia’s Natural Resources Conservation Agency, told Sky News. "After killing the animal, the locals hung up its body for display. It's very regrettable."

Authorities investigating the killing have discovered that the tiger is missing canine teeth, claws and skin off its face and tail – all body parts that can be used in medicine or sold in the black market, according to Reuters.

Activists said the tiger had been prowling in the area for more than a month and injured one person before it was tracked down and executed, the news agency added.

"The tiger was sleeping under a resident's stilt house when the people struck him repeatedly in the abdomen with a spear," Lion Muslim Nasution, an official in the Batang Natal subdistrict– where the village is located – told the Jakarta Post.

Nasution said the locals were aware of the tiger’s endangered status but were overcome by rumors and fears that a shapeshifter was lurking in the village.


I'm all for killing cows, pigs and animals for food or to protect your family, but it seems rather pathetic in the 21st century to kill one of the last remaining tigers because you thought it was a shapeshifter....whatever that is.

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