Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Mid East Peace Plan "Almost Finished"

Rumor has it that Trump is soon going to release a Middle East Peace Plan.

If he divides Jerusalem, USA could come up against the prophecy that says nations will be judged for those who divide God's land....which could be very bad for us.

And if he calls for the Temple Mount to be open to Jews, Christians and Muslims instead of being controlled by Muslims alone....it could pave the way for the 3rd Temple to be built!

And of course it's also possible that THIS peace agreement COULD be the one that is confirmed by the Antichrist when he arrives on scene....which ushers in the final 7 years before Christ returns to set up his Millennial Kingdom! 


True to his nature, US President Donald Trump is planning to take a radically different approach to brokering peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs.

According to senior American officials who spoke to The New York Times, the Trump White House is currently putting the final touches on its Middle East peace proposal.

Unlike past proposals from presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Trump's plan will reportedly eschew broad (read: vague) suggestions and predetermined outcomes.

Rather, it will take head-on the very specific issues currently preventing an agreement and offer very specific solutions to them.

For instance, rather than push off the issue of sovereignty in Jerusalem or call for a vague "fair and just solution" to the "refugee" issue, Trump's plan is said to contain very real, very practical proposals for each.

Also notable is that Trump's plan reportedly does not call for the creation of a two-state solution, though its proposals do open up the possibility for such an outcome.

Here;  http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/33556/Default.aspx

Please remember that all this talk about Jerusalem and peace should have all of us very much AWAKE and SOBER to the possibility that Jesus could come for His bride in the rapture at any time.

They aren't SIGNS of the rapture....they are SIGNS of the coming Tribulation.  We just know that the rapture comes before the Great Tribulation/70th Week of Daniel/Time of Jacob's Trouble.

If Jesus does come quickly, are we ready to meet him and give an accounting of the work we did for the Kingdom?  Or have we been spending far too much time, talent, effort and passion on building things for ourselves?


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