Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Muslim Man Tries to Build Army of Terrorist Children

It makes one wonder how many heinous things followers of Muhammad would have to do before the leftists would say, "Hmmm....I wonder if their is an inherent problem with the dogma and beliefs of Muslims that MIGHT BE a threat to our way of life in The West?....hmmmm?...."

Today we find another Muslim doing his best to come up with a new a different idea to try and attack his host country of England.

A self-styled teacher in London has been found guilty of terror offenses stemming from what police called his attempts to create “an army of children” that could carry out terror attacks in the British capital.

Umar Haque, 25, tried to radicalize children between the ages of 11 and 14, London authorities said, with his offenses taking place while he taught Islamic studies at a private religious school in the city. Haque did not have any teaching qualifications and was not specifically employed as a teacher but rather an administrator.

Children who had once been in Haque’s classes detailed to police how he had given them strength training and made them re-enact the Westminster attack carried out by Khalid Masood.

Dean Haydon, the head of the Counter Terrorism Command at the London Metropolitan Police, said that Haque had shown the children videos of terror attacks and beheadings. “Haque was a dangerous man who was inspired by attacks in Europe and Westminster. He wanted to orchestrate numerous attacks at once, using guns, knives, bombs and large cars to kill innocent people.

“We recovered a number of exercise books from his home, and it was evident from his notes that his plan was a long-term one. He intended to execute his plan years later, by which time he anticipated he would have trained and acquired an army of soldiers, including children,” Haydon said.

The school previously had outstanding ratings from government inspectors, Reuters reported, with police saying that the children had been terrified by Haque into staying silent.

“The children were paralyzed by fear of Haque, who they understood to have connections to terrorists and who essentially told them that a violent fate would befall them if they told anyone what he was doing. They were too afraid to confide in anyone,” Haydon said.

Police said that Haque was attempting to radicalize 55 children, all of whom had now received safeguarding support. Of them, 35 were assessed to need longer-term support.


And yet the ELCA Lutherans, many Methodists, Presbyterians and Catholics will all look at these folks and say, "Boy, sure am glad they are worshiping and praying to same God that we are!  Isn't it wonderful how committed they are to praying 5 times per day!  Maybe we could invite some Muslim Imam into our church to tell us how he gets his congregants so dedicated to following god!  Sure there are a few bad apples among them but we have a few bad apples in our church too!  Don't judge lest ye be judged!"

You think I'm kidding?  I'm not.  I heard a Professor from St Thomas college in St Paul address a Catholic men's group about 5 years ago.  It's pretty much verbatim of what he said. 

The Catholics have NO PLANS to evangelize the Muslims because they love the WORKS that Muslims have to do in an attempt to reach their god, Allah....and the Catholics are impressed by good works that they believe will get them to heaven.

Jesus plainly tells us that there will be many people at the Great White Throne who are trying to argue with judge Jesus about why they should be let in.  We know there will be folks here from many churches who sat in the pews for 50 years but never really knew Jesus....BUT...we wonder if this passage doesn't point more specifically at Catholics who are really the only denomination known for driving out demons.  Just a thought anyway.....

Matthew 7
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’


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