
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Armageddon Bunkers in Kansas

As the rich folks in America watch the news they gotta be wondering how they are going to survive if North Korea, Iran or Russia drops a nuke in America?

Where do they go if Civil War breaks out because the US Gov't goes bankrupt and can't keep feeding and housing the millions of Americans who are dependent on them?

It turns out that many of them hope to go underground for 5+ years and hopefully emerge with their wealth and lives intact.

Where do they go?

An old missile silo in Kansas that has been redone with swimming pools, climbing walls, a movie theater and 5 foot think cement walls.  Some will go there!

It’s time for another episode of Doomsday Bunkers of the Rich and Famous. You can find the last article about a doomsday neighborhood in Germany right here.

This time, we’ll travel a bit closer to home – right in the middle of…Kansas. In the small town of Glasco, Kansas, population 473, lies the ultimate in luxury bunker destinations: Survival Condos.

Every condo has:

Maximum occupancy for full & half floor layouts are 10 and 5 respectively.
Full kitchens with High-end stainless appliances.
Full Spectrum LED lighting throughout.
Kohler fixtures throughout.
50-inch LED TV and home automation system with remote off-site access.
Biometric Keyless access.
Each unit is fully furnished and professionally decorated.
Washer and dryer in each unit.
The master bathrooms even feature jacuzzi tubs.

Armageddon? What Armageddon?

This “Package” is much more than just a “Survival Condo Unit”. This “Package” includes mandatory training, a five-year per person food supply, fully furnished and custom designed interior, special equipment for registered members, computer access to condo systems, and much more. Only a portion of the total fee is for the actual Survival Condo Unit.


It's interesting to me to note a passage from Revelation says the rich will hide in "caves"....but of course there will be no escape during the Great Tribulation.

Revelation 6
Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

It certainly sounds like lots of folks are going to be looking for shelter during this dreadful time.

Maybe it John had the word "Bunker" in his vocabulary, he would have used it?

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