
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Moscow Summons Israeli Ambassador

The hooks in the jaws spoken of in Ezekiel 38 seem to be drawing Russia ever closer to a conflict with Israel.

A few days ago Israel pounded a target in Syria.

Today, Russia wants to know why they are hitting targets in the client state they hope to uphold.

A day after Russia accused Israel of attacking the T4 airbase in Syria, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov summoned Israel's Ambassador to Russia Gary Koren to the Foreign Minister to discuss the matter, TASS reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, Bogdanov said that this conversation was needed to prevent further escalation and to look for ways to normalize the situation.

Bogdanov said the situation in Gaza will also be discussed. 

On Tuesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning Israel's actions on the Gaza-Israel border, and blaming it of an indiscriminate use of force.

This is not the first time Koren has been summoned to the foreign ministry following alleged Israeli attacks in Syria.


How long can Russia, Iran and Turkey continue operating their military in Syria before they come into open conflict with Israel?

The clock is ticking.

Just don't be surprised if a loud trumpet starts to sound and the voice of the archangel summons all followers of Christ into the clouds.

That might not happen for another 30+ years....but don't be surprised if it happens tomorrow.

When it does happen, the AGE OF GRACE will come to an abrupt end.

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