
Monday, April 9, 2018

Global Warming Fail

Here in MN we still have 2 feet thick ice on our lakes and set record cold temps last we are certainly in the mood for some global warming.  It's going to be a short summer!

But what about the alarmist, Al Gore, telling us that sea levels would be so high by now that MN might have some ocean-front property? And that all the ice in the arctic would be melted by now?

Yeah....seems he should consider making an INCONVENIENT TRUTH PART 2 and tell us why all his predictions of doom and gloom were so far off?

Top NASA scientist previously claimed all ice will VANISH from the Arctic by this summer

Climate alarmists are everywhere — but real science continues to show that these scaremongers are the ones full of hot air. Back in 2008, a top “climate prophet” from NASA predicted that the Arctic would be free of sea ice by summer 2018. But data from 2017 has shown quite the opposite: Ice mass in the Arctic has been growing — not disappearing, much to the chagrin of climate change propagandists everywhere, no doubt.

In June 2008, James Hansen — then-director of the Goddard Institute of Space Sciences — reportedly told the Associated Press, “This is our last chance.”

Hansen is also known as the “godfather of global warming science” (but perhaps global warming mythology would be more fitting). Before Congress, Hansen further declared that we had long passed the “dangerous level” of greenhouse gasses. Ultimately, the NASA expert concluded that within 5 to 10 years, the Arctic would be “free of sea ice in the summer.”

Despite the fears of major ice melts being propagated by Hansen and other proponents of climate change propaganda, the truth is that sea ice mass in the great north has been increasing. How is it that Hansen, the “godfather” of global warming could have gotten it so wrong?

Whatever the reason, over the last decade reports have continuously shown that sea ice mass is not under siege — though that is what the alarmists want you to believe. In September 2017, shocking data from Greenland showed that sea ice mass had increased by a staggering 40 percent since 2012.

But that’s not all: As Natural News writer Tracey Watson revealed, sea ice mass has been trending upwards for years. Reports from different agencies in 2015, 2014 and 2013 all showed similar trends: Arctic ice mass was increasing by leaps and bounds — not melting away into nothing as the propagandists promised.

Friends, Satan may be the Prince of this earth for the time being, but God still holds the future in his hands.  There will be no global flood, no earth-destroying asteroid, no disappearing ice until God says "it's time."

These things WILL happen during the Great Tribulation but followers of Christ don't need to worry about the changing planet because we never need to worry about the Designer.

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