
Monday, April 9, 2018

People Hearing Voices Linked With Childhood Trauma

Have you noticed how many times people blame "the voices" for doing heinous things?

Like when a mom straps her 3 kids into the back seat of the mini van and drives them into the river...she says that the voices told her to do. it.

Or some guy will kill someone and be eating their face and blame the voices.

Have you ever wondered where those voices come from? 

Clearly they aren't from if you aren't FOR God then you are AGAINST Him.

"Well Dennis, these people have a mental illness.  Just like you can catch a cold, they also can catch a mental illness and their brain can generate voices....just like your nose generates snot."

Yep!  Maybe?  But how many cases involve demons actually telling these folks to do things that God would never suggest?

And how do those demons come into kids?

Maybe by the SINS OF THE FATHER?  When a father has sex with his little daughter or beats the crap out of his 4 year old boy....maybe he creates a small crack that the demon of rage and perversion can use to get into the child?

Today we see a psychology article that is suggesting the trauma can increase the chance of psychosis.

Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders have similar rates of childhood trauma (both in severity and frequency) as patients with substance use disorders, according to a recent study published in Psychiatry Research.

Previous studies have established the link between childhood trauma and psychosis, with proposed mechanisms being primarily related to stress response. Similar high stress and low coping mechanisms are proposed to explain the established link between childhood trauma and substance use disorders, as well. Comorbidity of substance use disorders and schizophrenia spectrum disorders is also frequently reported in the literature (20% to 30%).

Considering the similarities in frequency and severity of childhood trauma between schizophrenia spectrum disorders and substance use disorders demonstrated by the present study, the investigators conclude, “Future research should address the issue of causality and aim at investigating how and why individuals exposed to [childhood trauma] develop a primary [schizophrenia spectrum disorder] or [substance use disorder].”

Really?  They need to do a big study on why kids who were traumatized develop a substance use disorder?

Ummmmm.....isn't that the very definition of SELF MEDICATING?

A similar article written by someone with a biblical worldview might suggest that people who hear voices are being tormented by demons.  They also might suggest that people who were traumatized as young kids end up seeking out drugs and alcohol to numb the pain....and then once they begin giving up control of their minds, another portal is opened for demons to gain a foothold.

"Love the Lord your God with all your soul, all your strength and all your MIND!"

Don't give up control of your mind in a drug induced state....because your adversary prowls around like a hungry lion looking for a door he can use to enter into your that he can drag you off to hell with him.

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