
Friday, April 6, 2018

Rumors of War With North Korea

We came across another RUMOR OF WAR in today's news.

This time it is Russia warning that America is pushing North Korea too hard and war could break out.

Top Russian military officials have warned that Washington's hardline approach to nuclear-armed North Korea could result in a catastrophic war in East Asia, as satellite imagery revealed new activity at a nuclear reactor site.

Vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov, first deputy chief for the main directorate of the Russian military's general staff, accused President Donald Trump and his administration Thursday of having escalated the feud between the U.S. and North Korea, which has continued to develop nuclear weapons in spite of multinational sanctions and foreign military pressure.

As Kim Jong Un prepared to become his country's first supreme leader to meet a sitting U.S. president, the Russian military leader told the seventh annual Moscow International Security Conference that the White House's rhetoric and Pentagon's military buildup only served to destabilize peace in the region.

The previous day, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu also warned of a potential conflict on the Korean Peninsula at the Moscow gathering, which drew delegations from more than 90 countries. He urged the U.S. to embrace peace rather than focusing on military exercises, such as the ongoing "Foal Eagle" drills currently being jointly held with South Korea.

"We believe that there is no military solution to the Korean problem. Pressure and threats are not an effective means of settling the crisis. Moreover, the constant instigation of the situation and the demonstration of the military force may lead to incidents and even an armed conflict whose consequences may affect the entire region," Shoygu said, according to Tass.

He also noted that Russia had been established close ties with its Asian allies, including China, India, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, and was seeking new countries including Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Defending the U.S. "maximum pressure" strategy, Trump's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary Alex Wong credited the president's approach with accelerating the current inter-Korean peace talks, which have also seen Kim visit China in the young leader's first-ever foreign journey while in power.

"A number of years before President Trump came to office – there really wasn’t any movement. There was no diplomatic movement on the ground, and the only movement you saw was the slow, creeping expansion of North Korea’s nuclear program. And in that light, I think we’re in a pretty good place right now," Wong said during a press conference Monday.

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