
Friday, April 6, 2018

The More We Evolve; The Less We Need God

If you are interested, here is a show you can watch that is broadcast on PBS and NPR.


Watch for the photo in the background that shows a monkey changing into a man and then the evolved man throwing a cross into the garbage can.

Does God have a place in 21st century human affairs? For many, the answer is an unapologetic yes. Belief in a higher power, they argue, is the foundation of human consciousness and the soul of all social, political, and scientific progress. Further, some claim, humans are biologically predisposed to embrace religion and require faith to live moral lives. Others are far more skeptical. For them, adherence to faith and religious tradition serves only to fracture communities and prevent humanity from embracing a more enlightened, reasoned, and just social order. As we look to the future in uncertain times, should spirituality and religion play a central role in human evolution, innovation, and discovery? Or has God become obsolete? 


Can you see how this is all fitting into the Last Days narrative that the Bible says will happen?

Can you see how many on planet earth might actually celebrate after the rapture?  When they look around and see that all of the "intolerant folks who cling to an ancient book filled with myths and old wive's tales", are gone....they very well might say, "Finally!  Now we don't have those bigoted idiots standing in the way of gay marriage, polygamy, gender issues, free sex changes, free college, gun control, free-choice abortion and electing 100% socialists in the House and White House!  Finally!  Peace, love and tolerance will rule the world."

Maybe this helps explain when the Bible says;
"While they are saying, 'Peace and Safety!', destruction will come upon them suddenly."

As you add up the death and destruction spelled out in Revelation and begin to understand what is going to happen to all these foolish people who chose to reject the knowledge of their Creator and instead chose to embrace the lies of evolution (everything came from no one and nothing) is impossible to even comprehend.

But Jesus, our Savior, tells us plainly in Matthew 24;
“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

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