
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Universe Could End With Big Bang

Some scientists are saying the entire universe started with a big bang.  And now those same scientists are saying it could also end with a big bang.

I'll just post the end of the article because it's interesting to note that they state the BIG BANG like it's a fact...instead of a theory that science can't prove or observe.

The Higgs boson, discovered in 2012 by researchers smashing subatomic protons together at the Large Hadron Collider, has a specific mass.

If the researchers are correct, that mass could change, turning physics on its head and tearing apart the elements that make life possible, according to the New York Post.

And rather than burning slowly over trillions of years, an unstable Higgs boson could create an instantaneous bang, like the Big Bang that created our universe.

The researchers say a collapse could be driven by the curvature of space-time around a black hole, somewhere deep in the universe.

When space-time curves around super-dense objects, like a black hole, it throws the laws of physics out of whack and causes particles to interact in all sorts of strange ways.

You see, if you repeat a lie long enough and loud it will just become a fact.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

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