
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Trump's Mid-East Peace Plan Nears Completion

There are lots of things to ponder as we hear of Trump completing a peace plan that will involve Israel.

What happens to America if the plan involves dividing God's Holy Land?  Could we actually see the divisions already ripping America apart get even worse?  After all, God does have a warning to the nations about those that would divide His land.

As we continue pushing toward the END OF THE AGE and the return of it possible that Trump will come up with a peace plan and that this peace plan COULD BE the plan that is confirmed by the Antichrist when he is revealed following the rapture?

The Trump administration has nearly completed a long-awaited Israeli-Palestinian peace plan but is still struggling to decide how and when to roll it out, a senior White House official said, acknowledging that Washington faces a “disconnect” with Palestinians over its planned US embassy move to Jerusalem.

The initiative, which had been widely expected to be released earlier this year, now looks likely to remain on the shelf until its chief architects—President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt—finalize the details and determine the time is right to unveil it.

Their decision could depend on an array of obstacles, not least that one of the two sides in the decades-old conflict—the Palestinians—say they have lost faith in the Trump administration to act as a fair mediator and have boycotted the process since last December’s Jerusalem announcement.

While offering few specifics for a plan that has drawn widespread skepticism even before its unveiling, the official confirmed it would not contain a US commitment to a two-state solution, as the Palestinians had demanded. It will instead stick to Trump’s assertion that he will accept whatever the two sides agree.

The chill between the White House and Palestinians has affected the peace effort, the official acknowledged, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The “disconnect” with Palestinians over Jerusalem “is not a small blip,” the official acknowledged.

Most experts question whether Kushner and Greenblatt, both of whom had no prior diplomatic experience, can achieve any deal.

Pushing back against critics who say the plan is likely to be biased in favor of US ally Israel, the official said both sides would find parts “they like and they hate.”


Wow!  We have the Ezekiel 38 coalition forming in front of our eyes, we can see the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17) on the horizon, we have the Jews talking daily about the need to build the 3rd Temple, we have an increase in large earthquakes, we have a famine of the knowledge of the Word of God, false teachers are everywhere, perversion and drug abuse are growing exponentially and now we have a peace agreement about to be rolled out by America.

Remember folks, ALL OF THESE THINGS are happening together for the first time in human history.

So don't be surprised!

"When you see ALL THESE THINGS BEGIN to happen, then lift up your heads because your redemption is near."--said Jesus.

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