
Thursday, April 12, 2018

UN Picks Syria to Head Chemical Weapons Forum

If you had any doubt that the United Nations is a worthless bureaucracy...this news should alleviate any of your doubts.

 UN Watch, a nongovernmental watchdog agency, protested on Monday the appointment of Syria as Chair the UN Conference on Disarmament, a forum on chemical weapons that will be held next month.

“Having the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad preside over global chemical and nuclear weapons disarmament will be like putting a serial rapist in charge of a women’s shelter,” Hillel Neuer, executive director of the Geneva based non-governmental organization, UN Watch said on his group’s website.

The appointment comes less than one week after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was accused of using chlorine gas in an attack that killed dozens.

The selection of Syria was the result of an automatic rotation of UN member states, but the appointment was so egregious that it generated an immediate and strong negative response. Hillel Neuer, slammed the decision.

Neuer announced that his group intends to hold protests outside the UN hall when the forum is held in Geneva next month.

Assad’s military allegedly dropped a barrel bomb of chlorine gas on the rebel held town of Dhouma, Syria on Saturday, killing dozens of people. Nine countries demanded a United Nations Security Council meeting in response. US President Donald Trump condemned the attack on Twitter, referring to the Syrian president as “Animal Assad.”


Remember, this is the same UN who had Venezuela and Saudi Arabia heading their HUMAN RIGHTS committee.

It's not a good time in earth's history to put your hope and confidence in man made organizations.

“Woe to those who call evil good And good evil; Who present darkness as light And light as darkness; Who present bitter as sweet And sweet as bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

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