
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

11 Christians Killed by Muslim Suicide Bombers

While most of us were sitting in church listening to a sermon last week...some of our brother and sisters were being killed for their faith.

Who do you suppose killed them?  Angry Buddhists?  Angry Mormons?  Angry Hindus?

Nope!  Surprise!  It was angry Muslims!

Suicide bombers have attacked three churches in Indonesia's second-largest city Surabaya, killing at least 11 people.

Around 40 others were injured in the attacks, which occurred within minutes of each other. No group has so far said it carried them out.

TV pictures showed debris scattered around the entrance of one church.

Indonesia, the most populous Muslim-majority country, has seen a resurgence of Islamist militancy in recent months.

More than 90% of Indonesians are Muslim, but there are also significant populations of Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.

The attack is the deadliest since 2005, when three suicide bombings on the resort island of Bali killed 20 people.


Notice how the BBC did their best to refrain from blaming Muslims for the murders.

Here's what the NY Times had to say about it.

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A wave of deadly bombings on Sunday and Monday and evidence of more planned have shaken Indonesia just ahead of the holy month of Ramadan, with entire families — including children — carrying out suicide attacks against Christian worshipers and the police.

The troubling discovery Monday of completed bombs in a housing complex outside Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, came a day after members of a single family carried out three attacks against separate churches in the city around Mass time, killing seven people.

On Sunday night, three members of another family, including a child, were killed when a bomb exploded at their apartment outside Surabaya when the police moved in to arrest them.

And on Monday morning, a family of five riding on two motorbikes detonated a bomb at the entrance of the Surabaya Police Headquarters — killing all but one of them and injuring four police officers. An 8-year-old girl who was with the attackers survived the blast and was taken to the hospital.

Yes!  The NY Times thinks its probably "troubling" that Muslims are again using children to blow themselves up worshiping their demonic-god whom they call Allah.

But forget about that for now!!  Because those dang Jews in Israel are killing Muslim-Arab rioters who are attempting to storm the border fence of Gaza and get into Israel...and according to the MSM the Israelis shouldn't be killing violent Muslims who break their laws....MSM thinks that maybe only other Muslims should be justified in killing Muslims.  How racist!!

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