
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Turkey Urges Islamic World to Rise Up Against Israel

This sounds like it could be a scene from Ezekiel 38!

Turkey urges Islamic world to unite against Israel, calls summit

Turkey has urged Islamic countries to review their ties with Israel after dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire on the Gaza border.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim told his ruling party in parliament that Ankara would call an extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

"Islamic countries should without fail review their relations with Israel," Premier Yildirim said, adding, “The Islamic world should move as one, with one voice, against this massacre."

Yildirim said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who currently holds the rotating chairmanship of the body, called the OIC summit on Friday.

Yildirim said that after the summit at 3:00 pm a giant rally would be held at the vast Yenikapi meeting area in Istanbul under the slogan of "Stop the Oppression" to express solidarity with the Palestinians.

"This has nothing to do with party politics. This is to show solidarity, brotherhood and togetherness," he said.

"The Islamic world should move as one, with one voice, against this massacre," Yildirim added.

Ankara has reacted with fury to the killing Monday of 60 Palestinians in clashes and protests, on the same day as the United States formally moved its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem al-Quds from Tel Aviv in defiance of international outrage.

Ankara said it was recalling its ambassadors to the United States and Israel for consultations in the wake of the events.

On Tuesday, Israel expelled the Turkish consul in Jerusalem al-Quds.

The Foreign Ministry's spokesman said the consul had been summoned and was told to return to Turkey "for consultations for a period of time." 

Yildirim earlier accused the US of sharing responsibility with Israel for a "vile massacre" along the Gaza border, during which dozens of Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire on Monday.

The United States took its place without complaint alongside the Israeli regime in “this massacre of civilians and became a party to this crime against humanity," Yildirim told reporters in Ankara.

"This is … vile massacre and we condemn it strongly," he added.


How funny!  Of course the REAL NEWS is reporting that the "Palestinians" who were killed by Israeli snipers were mostly involved with the terrorist group Hamas.  And we know that Hamas was encouraging and even paying people to rush the Israeli border in a very violent manner.

We would love to see what would happen in Turkey if 100,000 Armenians stormed the border fence of Turkey?  Oh yeah....they killed over 1 million of them in the 20th century and to this day deny it ever happened!

But Israel kills 60 violent people attempting to storm their border....and Turkey has a holy-cow moment?

We smell the work of the lawless one going on here. (spirit of the Antichrist that Paul mentioned was already at work)

Ezekiel 38 continue to take shape.

Happy Ramadan!

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