
Friday, May 11, 2018

Catholic University Open Gender Separated Islamic Prayer Space

Do you want some more evidence that the Catholics are going to be part of the ONE WORLD RELIGION that the Bible speaks of during the reign of Anti-Christ?

Here is some more evidence.

Outrage in America as a Catholic University opens a GENDER-SEPARATED ISLAMIC PRAYER SPACE, in order to make Muslim students feel more comfortable

The prayer room comes in honor of a deceased professor who taught at the college on world religions.

The Saudi Student Association had a hand in bringing the room to reality.

And The College Fix (hat tip The Religion of Peace) has more:

A Catholic university in Davenport, Iowa recently opened a prayer space dedicated to Islamic worship, honoring the legacy of a deceased professor of the school who taught a world religions class.

The prayer room, developed by a senior of St. Ambrose University in collaboration with its Saudi Student Association, is designed “specifically for students of the Islamic faith,” according to a report on local NPR station WVIK.

The room features ” sinks for ritual foot-washing,” as well as “separate areas for male and female worshippers, since Islamic tradition calls for different prayer areas for each sex.”

Matt Mahoney, the St. Ambrose senior who helped design the room, called the prayer space “outstanding.”

“It’s uniquely Ambrosian, and it just sort of shows our commitment to all different faiths,” Mahoney said of the sex-segregated worship room.


Of course the ELCA Lutherans and some branches of Methodists and Presbyterians are equally clueless when it comes to Islam and their false's just that they don't have a Pope that makes the world headlines every time he goes someplace or utters some words.

We continue to believe that if the rapture were to happen next week that the Pope (assuming he would be left behind) would be the #1 candidate to assume the Last Days role of FALSE PROPHET.

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