
Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Robot Apocalypse

As you watch this video of a 4-legged robot with a trunk-arm that can open doors...just imagine if this intelligent machine decides that YOU are the problem so YOU need to be eliminated.

The SpotMini is a shrunken version of Boston Dynamics’ flagship bot called Spot. The dog-like quadruped, which will happily trick you into anthropomorphizing it with cutesy behaviors it has been programmed to perform, stands just under three feet tall and weighs about 66 pounds, according to Boston Dynamics. The SpotMini’s robotic arm, which certainly will not play a role in the bot’s inevitable betrayal of its master, can hold up to 30 pounds.
The robotic pup—which unlike an actual dog is probably not very fun to pet and may eventually use its cold, unfeeling AI to determine the most efficient way to kill—moves smoothly thanks to its 17 joints and 3D vision system that allows it to perceive the world around it. SpotMini is electric and can operate for 90 minutes on a single charge—most of which it will spend plotting your demise, probably.

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