
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Moment of Silence at US Public School for Hamas

"Children!  Children!!  Listen up please!  We are now going to have a moment of silence and reflection for the dead Palestinians who were recently and mercilessly killed by the Jews. Their only offense was asking for THEIR land back."

Where do you think such a scene might play out?  Iran?  Iraq? Turkey?

How about New York City Public School...

The Beacon School in Manhattan is under fire from parents for holding a moment of silence for the people killed by Israel last week during clashes organized by Hamas.

Of the 62 people killed in border riots, 50 were members of the Palestinian terrorist group

“I am extremely upset because I did not send my child to a New York City public school to pray for Hamas operatives,” one parent told the New York Post.

On Tuesday, the school announced of the moment of silence, which bothered many in the community.

“As a Jewish student, I could see a lot of my Jewish friends get very weird when the moment of silence started,” Sophie Steinberg, a student at the school, said.

Another student complained that there was no discussion over the moment of silence to give it any context. “I wish there was that conversation afterwards. There was no follow-up,” said student Fortune Ndombo.

The announcement was made by a student. The school has not commented on whether or not it was sanctioned by the administration. Principal Ruth Lacey has not offered any comment on the incident.

The pro-Israel group Zionist Organization of America plans to send a letter to the school demanding an apology.

This is sad but really shouldn't be surprising.  We know that the liberals-leftists-Democrats have been turning on Israel for the last few decades while at the same time supporting ANYTHING Islamic.

See my next post about how Democrats have turned on Israel.

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