
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Strange Flesh

I have written about this subject in past blog posts, but the activity of cattle mutilations continue.

"Dennis!  What the heck do dead cows have to do with the Bible and/or prophecy?"

Simple answer;  we believe that the intelligent forces who are harvesting blood, sex organs and soft tissue from cattle all over the world are part of a Satanic plan that will be used during the Great Tribulation.

“Without a doubt,” says Julio Zurbirgk, a cattle rancher in General San Martin, a city just northwest of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Make that a very frustrated cattle rancher who, like others in Argentina, is tired, frustrated and fearful after over 20 years of mysterious cattle mutilations with no explanations or support from the government of one of the world’s leading beef-producing nations.

“They must remove the organs aboard the spacecraft, because there was nothing strange to be found around the animal. One can also see that they must throw the animals from their craft, because they land with their legs backward.”

Zurbirgk is describing to Argentine media the strange and sadly horrific state he recently found one of his black Aberdeen Angus cows in. A pregnant cow. A picture reveals that the cow’s eyes, tongue and jaw were removed with surgical precision, but did not show that the cow’s anus was also gone … but strangely not the health fetus that was near term.

While he saw nothing strange around the cow, Julio hesitated to approach his cow for a very good reason – his dogs were staying at least 50 meters away.

“These cases are classic. I don’t know how dogs are aware of them and come no closer.”
Cattle mutilations have long been the bane of Argentine ranchers, but they’ve been on the increase since 2015. as a website devoted to tracking them attests. The photo-filled site ends with a mutilation in Tilisarao in central Argentina this past July. It will soon have another listing.

Remember friends, our battle IS NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD HUMANS but against the forces of evil (satan and his minions) in the unseen realms.

Genesis 6 clearly tells us that these Satanic forces of fallen angels had sex with women before the flood and created a strange flesh called NEPHILIM.

Jesus tells us that the days on earth before the rapture and Great Tribulation will be AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH.

"But Dennis, that is SO FAR FETCHED that it's just bizarre!"

Really?  Do you believe in angels?  We are told that angels are all around us yet we can't see them.  They aren't humans and yet they are stronger and more intelligent than we are because they are eternal beings while we are only temporal. 

So if you believe in angels....aren't you really saying you believe in aliens?...because clearly they aren't human...which makes them aliens to the human race.

Think about it....

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