
Monday, June 11, 2018


Have you guys heard that the Iranian people are getting totally fed up with the Ayatollahs and Muslim extremists who have been running, and ruining, their country since 1979?

The protests are getting louder and stronger.

There is even a hashtag on Twitter called #FreeIran2018

Members of a growing grass-roots movement in Iran seeking to overthrow the mullah-led Islamic regime are emboldened by new sanctions imposed this week by the United States on top of the canceling of the nuclear agreement.

The evidence can be seen in Twitter posts by Iranians with the hash tag #FreeIran2018, which declare support for the U.S. move Wednesday and report bold acts of civil disobedience and major protests intended ultimately to foster revolution.

Javad Hamida‏ wrote Wednesday: “I am an Iranian, And I welcome the sanctions against the tortuous and oppressive organs of the Iranian people, By the US government.”

Maryam Rajavi,‏ the leader of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, an organization trying to overthrow the government, and the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, wrote that the “mullahs’ religious fascism in #Iran is fleeting, devoid of any future. The people of Iran are seeking the overthrow of the entire Velayat-e Faqih regime,” referring to the Islamic government.

Thursday night in the town of Zarrin-Shahr, a city of 56,000 in central Iran, “young supporters of a free Iran” set fire to a picture on a sidewalk of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei.

The man who shot video of the act, which was distributed via Twitter, can be heard saying, according to an English translation: “Dictator, say hello to your end.”

At Iran’s second busiest airport, hackers took over video monitors to display messages supporting the revolt.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran — which describes itself as “a broad coalition of democratic Iranian organizations, groups, and personalities” founded in 1981 in Tehran — is promoting an annual international gathering of Iranians scheduled for June 30 in Paris.

“This year’s gathering will be held circumstances of unceasing nationwide protests and uprising of the people from all walks of life and all segments of society against the religious tyranny ruling Iran and demanding regime change,” the council said.

“This gathering will express solidarity with the Iranian people’s long quest for freedom and democracy, and support for the democratic alternative to the current dictatorship in Iran.”

In America the leftists are so busy trying to destroy Donald Trump that they will pay little attention to the fact that a lot of Iranian people SUPPORT Trump's decision to pull out of Obama's awful Iranian Nuke Deal and re-impose the sanctions on the lying Iranian government.

The Israelis proved that Iran has been lying to the world community since they took Obama's  money.  They may actually only be days or months away from being able to put together a bomb.

Pray for the people of Iran.  We heard a few years ago that every day thousands of Iranians are leaving the lies of Islam behind and accepting Jesus Christ as their savior.  There is a harvest happening their.

The Bible says that Iran will join Russia and Turkey in a plot to destroy Israel and that the wrath of God will fall on those nations...but most watchers agree this will happen AFTER that rapture.  So pray that the eyes of the Iranian people will be opened before the trumpet blows so that they can be counted in the Bride of Christ.

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