
Friday, June 8, 2018

Argentina Cancels Soccer Match in Israel

Just imagine if a large group of people said, "Filthy scumbag Arab-Muslims!  They are descended from pigs and apes and the only good Arab is a dead Arab!"

Of course the world would be all in an uproar about such racist comments.

So how the heck to those idiots in Gaza and West Bank get a pass on their comments and actions against Jews?

And now we read they are bullying other nations and making threats to anyone who does play the Jews.

Argentina has pulled its men's national soccer team out of a World Cup warm-up match against Israel following pressure from pro-Palestinian groups and threats against Argentina's players over playing the game.

Argentina said the team cannot attend the match, scheduled to be played at Jerusalem's Teddy Kollek Stadium on Saturday, because of safety concerns stemming from threats against players, the Associated Press reported.

Claudio Tapia, president of the Argentine Football Association, said he could not allow the team to travel because of the threats, and he apologized to the Israeli community.

"What has happened in the last 72 hours, the actions, the threats that have occurred have led us to take the decision not to travel," he said. "[We] apologize to the Israeli community. It's nothing against the Israeli community, the Jewish community, and I would like everyone to take this decision as a contribution to world peace."

Holy bag of lies!!  You didn't contribute to world peace!!  You just made the world more dangerous by appeasing a bunch of Arab, Islamist bullies!!!

How stupid can the infidels actually be??

Thank God for Donald Trump who could give a rat's poo about what these terrorists of Palestine are threatening to do to anyone who crosses them or even disagrees with them.

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