
Friday, June 8, 2018

Worst Cities in America

Yeah, no surprise here that DETROIT was named the worst city in America.  Of course that city was run into the dirt by Leftist Democrats just like most of the other 10 cities on the list.

I ran across these 2 paragraphs at the end of the article and thought they were prophetic.

We live at a time when virtually our entire nation is in decline. We are decaying economically, morally, mentally, emotionally and physically. At one time our society was the envy of the rest of the world, but now the rest of the world just talks about how great we used to be.

The only way that we have been able to maintain our “greatness” in recent years is by going into unprecedented amounts of debt. Our current debt-fueled standard of living is not even close to sustainable, and once this current bubble implodes we are going to see America’s decline go to an entirely new level.

Isn't that something?  The only way that we have been able to maintain our wealthy lifestyle is by borrowing the money....and when the bubble implodes we  will see the decline happen pretty fast and reach an "entirely new level".

I keep thinking of what the Bible says will happen in the Last Days....and destruction will come upon them suddenly.

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