Friday, June 15, 2018

Tensions Between US and Turkey "Soar"

We shouldn't be surprised that Turkey is in the headlines more often because Ezekiel 38 has yet to be fulfilled.  Turkey will be in this coalition that seeks to destroy Israel and ends up getting pounded by God Almighty Himself.

In the last few years, Turkey's leaders have been taking them away from Europe and they have been going back and embracing their Islamic heritage and even yearning for the bygone days when the Muslim Ottoman Empire could rule again.

It ain't going to happen.

Today we read that Turkey and USA have some tension building.

AS TENSIONS between Turkey and the US soar, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan released a strong statement on Tuesday in which he claimed Turkey will put to use the S-400 surface-to-air missile systems once they are delivered from Russia, adding its main objective was to reduce Ankara’s dependency on US arms supplies.

Mr Erdogan’s remarks come after months of contention between Turkey and Nato allies, in particular the US, who see the purchase of a Russian-built missile system as a threat to NATO countries’ defence interoperability.

The Turkish leader said: “We will not just buy the S-400s and place them in a storehouse.

“We will use them if need be.”

He added: “This is a defence system.

“What are we going to do with it if not use this defence system?”

Regarding Turkey’s objective to reduce its dependency on US military supplies, President Erdogan said:“Are we going to depend on the US again?”

“When we have been demanding from them for years, the answer that has been given to us is: The Congress is not allowing.”

“We are tired of this,” he noted.

“In the meantime, Russia has responded to the Turkish request for the S-400 with a pretty alluring offer.

“They said they would even get into a joint production. And with respect to loans, they have offered us pretty good loan terms.”

The US Congress has currently taken up the S-400 case and the US Senate is readying to vote next week on a bill that calls for sanctions for the Russian air missile purchase.

The bill also claims the sale and transfer of the new generation F-35 fighter jets to Turkey, which are expected to arrive in Turkey on June 21, is blocked until congressional committees prepare a plan on removing the country from the F-35 co-production programme.

In reaction to the US move, Turkish Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hami Aksoy claimed the bill was “against the spirit of our alliance with the US” and that Ankara would respond if Washington suspended delivery of the fighter jets.


Of course we also know that Russia is going to be a huge player in the Ezekiel 38 prophecy.  So, again, no surprise that Turkey is going to fall more into bed with Russia while they fall out of bed with Europe, Israel and USA.


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