
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Thousands in Sweden Get Micro-Chipped

Here is one more sign that should help us NOT BE SURPRISED if the trumpet were to blow and Christ collects His bride.

Transhuman Movement Grows As Thousands In Sweden Get Microchipped

The future is coming, and it is going to look very strange. In the past, many authors had raised the possibility of tyrannical governments forcibly microchipping their own populations someday, but what if most of humanity actually embraces this new technology enthusiastically? 

Today, thousands of people in Sweden are eagerly having microchips inserted into their own hands, and it is rapidly becoming a natural part of society. Even in the United States, at one time there was great resistance to the idea of microchipping our pets, but now it is almost universally accepted. 

Personal microchips are being promoted as a way to make routine tasks faster, easier and more convenient, and Swedish "biohackers" are quite thrilled to be on the cutting edge of this new trend...

Thousands of people in Sweden have inserted microchips, which can function as contactless credit cards, key cards and even rail cards, into their bodies. Once the chip is underneath your skin, there is no longer any need to worry about misplacing a card or carrying a heavy wallet. But for many people, the idea of carrying a microchip in their body feels more dystopian than practical.

Some have suggested that Sweden's strong welfare state may be the cause of this recent trend. But actually, the factors behind why roughly 3,500 Swedes have had microchips implanted in them are more complex than you might expect. 

This phenomenon reflects Sweden's unique biohacking scene. If you look underneath the surface, Sweden's love affair with all things digital goes much deeper than these microchips.

Personally, I will never have a microchip inserted into my hand, but others desire to go far beyond something as simple as that. In Sweden, vast numbers of young people have embraced the idea that we can use technology to make humanity better, and that is why most Swedish "biohackers" are also involved in the transhumanist movement...

Swedish biohackers are generally part of the transhumanist movement. And it is the transhumanists - or more specifically the subgroup "grinders" - who have been inserting NFC chips somewhere between the thumb and the index finger of thousands of Swedes. These are the same microchips that have been used for decades to track animals and packages.


Even 10 years ago a person could read Revelation 13 and wonder HOW the Antichrist could FORCE people to take some type of mark to buy or sell anything.  And now we know that the left-behind world will stand in line to voluntarily get the mark.  Sadly, God says any who get that mark will forever forfeit their chance at entering the Kingdom.

Friends, WE are the first generation to have all the technology available to fulfill all the prophesies of the Bible!!  Everything is converging in these past 70 years!

We will NEVER know the day or hour of when our Lord will come for us but with all that is happening for the FIRST TIME EVER, no Bible readers should be surprised if Christ returns soon.

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