
Monday, June 25, 2018

Turkey Elects a Dictator

Turkey continues to move down the road to what Ezekiel 38 has said will happen.

Bible readers can read the news with their Bibles open and see how this coalition is being built right before our very eyes.

LONDON — Turkey entered a new era Monday, but with the same man in charge.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who at 64 has dominated Turkish politics for 15 years, won another five-year term in presidential elections.

With his term comes sweeping new powers under a new constitution that also weakens Parliament and removes the post of prime minister. Erdogan, who critics accuse of adopting increasingly authoritarian tactics, can pick ministers and judges and could seek re-election again, which could keep him in charge until 2028.

“One nation, one flag, one country, one state,” he shouted to cheering supporters after his victory was announced in the early hours.

His nearest opponent, Muharrem Ince, retorted that the country was now ruled by “one man.”

"Turkey has cut off its links with democracy,” Ince said as he conceded defeat with 30.6 percent of the vote against Erdogan’s 52.5 percent.

He added: “This is a new era in Turkey where a very powerful individual, accused of being more and more authoritarian, has extended his powers, and it could end up in a very difficult and unpredictable future.”


According to Ezekiel....Turkey is in line for a VERY predictable future.

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